161. Are You Supposed To Have Children?


Originally, I had this titled “Are Women Supposed To Have Children?”, but I actually found it more interesting to talk about anyone and everyone on this planet. I think that the original intention was to be more so about purpose as a woman, but I can tell you pretty quickly that, no, it’s not every woman’s destiny to have children, simply by realizing the truth that not all women authentically want to have children. There you go. Answer solved.

So let’s talk about something more interesting, such as why we would choose to incarnate on a planet and not reproduce. What is… the point? Well, since we’re all singular energetic beings and we all go through our own experiences, it’s pretty clear that there’s more value to our existence on this planet besides reproduction.

But why do some people reproduce, and others don’t? Quite frankly, I feel that some bloodlines are intended to stop, and others are intended to go on.

But who is intended to stop? Well, I personally feel that those who have dealt with severe and deep traumas, and continue to pass on ancestry lines, are typically less interested in having children than others. This just seems to be an observation that I’ve made. And it makes sense. If you feel that you will pass this on to your children and grandchildren, would it not make more sense to incarnate into a different point and place in time, and try again later? Or perhaps spend your time on the other side resolving your issues before, rather than being in a physical reality. I think it just depends on the person. It’s incredibly important to note that there is no distinction of value one way or the other. If you are here, even if you don’t have children, you have the exact same value as someone else, as we all share equal energetic importance and resonance. Yes, it’s true that as a result of your role as a mother or father, you may have more energetic emphasis, but it certainly has no hindrance on value. 

The easiest way to ensure that your bloodline continues, is to resolve all o the issues you’ve been burdened with in this lifetime. Not only will that likely give you more motivation and inspiration to carry out your energetic legacy, but it will likely ultimately make your new role easier rather than harder. On top of that, it’s incredibly important to set yourself up for success. In other words, ensure that you’re willing and wanting to change and evolve quickly and rapidly over time. If you’ve made the promise to not change in the future, it’s likely that that energetic intention will no longer have value or be served well in the upcoming generations. Considering how fast our collective consciousness is evolving, those who come after us will really need to step up tot he plate and make this energetic commitment to change.

And if you think this is all too witchy, consider this. We share some level of collective consciousness or subconscious with others. Even if it’s simply empathy. If we are energetically aware of what we need and what the world needs to move forward, this is what we’re going to prioritize as a whole. If you’re not interested in being a part of this future decision making, there will be less energetic “space” fro you to take up. You’ve essentially made up your mind, and are looking to go your own way. It takes a commitment to rejoin the collective, no matter what its direction, in order to move forward. In the end, it’s more so about being receptive, open and a team player. These will be incredibly important energetic skills needed to take on to the next phase of life.

It’s also important to mention that our connection to others is not indicated by bloodline. While it’s true that we share a strong energetic, ancestry and thematic with those who we are born from, in the end, that’s all it really is. We are essentially dealt a set of cards, and it’s up to us to manipulate it in any way that we see fit. We can choose to be as much a part of our ancestry line as we’d like. But just because we exist without the knowledge of our biological parents, does not mean that we are any less or more energetically poised to have children. It’s really about our current energetic state, and our intentions moving forward.

Now this is all technically high level, so how do you know personally if you fall into either category? At the end of the day, it’s just a feeling. Particularly if you’re younger, you may not be totally clued into this subconscious alignment, but if you feel that you want children or that it’s your destiny, you’re likely meant to have them. Then of course the question is, is this regarding biological children or not? It kind of depends. Of course, this negates the concept of a “bloodline”, but your energetic resonance will absolutely be passed on through generations. So I think it’s up to the individual to decide. Perhaps the nuance of who your child is, is also a part of this decision making progress regarding your legacy. There’s certainly no “wrong” answer, unless the answer is totally out of alignment with yourself.

There’s no need to panic over the decision, unless you feel that time is running out for you. Feel free to check in with your guides to ask for signs regarding children in your future. Consider also narrowing into your wants and desires for the future. You can certainly “ask” to come into stronger alignment with the decision moving forward.


162. Never Regurgitate Information


160. How To Meditate