196. You Were A Bad Person In A Bad Life. But It’s Important.


Were you a bad person in a past life? Probably.

There are a few ways to deconstruct this discussion. I personally find that many people are interested in knowing about their past lives. Some of course, want answers. in this way, I think they expect to learn about and understand past lives. However, other people are primarily looking for validation. They want to know they were a great person in a past life. But the truth is, you were probably both.

We like to consider ourselves in this life to be the baseline or the expectation of our thoughts, feelings and behaviors in past lives. But the truth is, it isn’t really true. And it kind of can’t be. Just as though you don’t have much say in what’s going on in your parallel lives, same can be said for the control that you lack in relation to your other lives. While it’s true that we are theoretically the same “person”, we never truly know how we may act in a completely different set of circumstances. If we imagine that we all need to start somewhere, it may be one person’s first time on earth. Surely, there have been learnings since this origin point or story.

Past lives are often times seen as novelty readings. But I find past life readings to be the most cathartic of all. I do consider past lives to be the key to success in our current life. We can understand all of our “parts”. The parts which are somewhat missing (yet attached to us), so I suppose consciously missing from our current life. More importantly, past lives provide insight into our current overarching concepts and themes. It is true that we often times carry our past life problems into our current life.

I do just want to interject and say that “past” lives are a bit of a fallacy, as time doesn’t really exist on the other side or in multiple dimensions. Although frames of references of time are aligned to different dimensions, they are all essentially cyclical (not linear) and abide by their own origin point and end points or starts and ends.

Past lives can provide us much insight, context and validations. I find that past life readings are helpful to be consciously aware of this information, and past life regressions allow you to proactively transmute this energy. 

But getting back to the topic at hand, let’s talk about why you likely have past lives where you did horrible, terrible things.

If we consider that any and all existences of source are fractaled… in other words… any fragmentation of existence which has a conscious, unique energetic signature to it must have gone through an experience of fractaling. Kind of like when you have a cookie and break it into two pieces. Say for example, the cookie that you have is multi-flavored. There’s one section which has chocolate chips. In order for that section to break off of the whole, it must “fractal”. Which means it’s opposing side is somewhere out there in the universe. When something breaks off, the other piece still has to exist. Since “good” is a characteristic and “bad” is a characteristic, we can observe that these are two forces of duality. Both of them likely ladder up to an overarching concept or theme. Say for example there’s one singular experience. You are driving a car. You can choose to stop at a red light (good), or run it (bad). We can hypothetically assume that both outcomes must exist in a point or place in time. Because when we “create” something in a physical space, that physicality must come from somewhere. Things don’t pop out of lack of existence. We just perceive that it pops up out of lack of existence, because we can’t perceive at this point and place in time where the other part is.

We can theoretically assume that your specific fractal or fragment which is existing must have a counterpart. Therefore, the more “good” you currently are, the more “bad” your counterpart is somewhere else. Perhaps it’s not necessarily a mirror image of you, but the energy must exist somewhere. And if you are living it, you have likely transmuted it before. Or perhaps are even transmuting it in the current moment. Maybe what you act out is the good, but you still work through the bad. After all, we always have choice.

Anyway, there’s lots to get into regarding fractals, but that pretty much covers it high level. The end conversation is that every good has a bad. Every good has an evil. They just exist separately from us at any given point and place in time.

It’s kind of an interesting level of human condition to not accept bad past lives. Not saying that everyone does, but it’s similar to how we reject bad people. Why do we do this? Of course it’s important not to enable bad behavior, but is it a bad thing to cast out bad people? What does it say about us when we reject the idea that we can do anything bad? Sure we know ourselves, and maybe we do on a subconscious level know we won’t do anything bad, but the truth is… we may never know. There’s a level of personal responsibility it’s important that we keep people held to, but what if there’s more to the story. Their story. No one on earth deserves to suffer through pain at the expense of others or their own experiences, particularly ones which were out of their control. It’s important that as humans we are humble, and have empathy and compassion. Negative energy doesn’t go away. It breeds. It gets projected. It gets passed down through generations. It’s not just our responsibility to stop it for ourselves, but to help others work through it as well. Consider reframing your perspective on “bad” past lives. Instead of them making you feel like you’re a horrible person, consider what you lived through and endured. What allowed you to do good for the world to this day.


197. The Point We’re Not Getting About Abortion


195. It’s More Common Than You Think To Psychically “Attack” Someone