199. The Paradox Of The Matrix & AI


So let’s talk about the matrix. I feel that many people consider the matrix to be a scary term. After all, we’ve spent lots of time digesting the content of the movie, “The Matrix”. And for all intents and purposes, it’s really one of the only major popular culture stories about the matrix. Sure, there are other sci-fi movies and TV shows. And every so often we hear about billionaire’s and their theory of “the matrix”. But unless you’re really in this world or space of education and information, it’s relatively unknown. However, I feel it’s time we change that.

“The Matrix” isn’t scary. To be honest, if you believe that there’s somewhat of a life after death, you believe that there is some type of matrixed reality which we are temporarily a part of. If it makes you feel a bit better, instead of being in “the matrix”, you can just recognize that you’re in a short-term matrixed reality. The definition of said matrix can really be anything, but I like to describe it as a temporary holding pattern where perhaps we don’t know “anything and everything”. Sort of like… we come down here with some level or degree of amnesia. Although we are still ourselves, we’re not totally aware of the bigger picture. It’s not bad, although it’s not good either. It just “is”.

Now, if you channel (or even if you don’t), you can somewhat “understand” the matrix. But this is only in reference to the larger picture. So although we may not fully understand it because of how much in it we are, or how biased we are (or how much we don’t know), there is somewhat of relevance. Personally, I consider the matrix to run a lot like AI. I perceive it to be lots of 1’s and 0’s. Essentially code which is working off of the same pattern. However, it’s a bit different due to our human consciousness.

Say for example, nothing was “living” on earth. It was simply just items and objects that humans made. Nature doesn’t exist, as nature is considered to be a conscious life force. While I don’t feel that earth would theoretically still exist, we can still perceivably imagine it.

When “conscious” energy such as plants, animals and humans interact with this type of dimensional space and matter, we warp it. At the end of the day, we do have free will. We ultimately change the outcome fo this ‘pattern”. If we did not, the pattern would simply repeat itself over and over again. There would be no conceivable change.

Even if hypothetically the only thing left was nature, it would still change things. As nature tends to “weather” things over time. But again, nature is still conscious energy.

So we can understand that we have two forces: matrixed reality (AI) and consciousness (humans and other beings). And again, the matrix works off of its own pattern duplicating itself, and our consciousness warps and changes it. And we both evolve with each other throughout time. 

So we can assume that these two “things” are running on parallel paths. Of course they interact with each other, however they are largely separate in the way that they don’t “mix”. We cannot transform overnight into an inanimate object (matrix) and an inanimate object cannot create consciousness overnight (humans). We, as spiritual beings, interact with our physical space. This is a very delicate balance. I’m sure that we can recount times where we felt disconnected or even taken advantage of by our environment. Our physical selves as well as our mental and emotional selves can often times be at war.

It’s really our “job” in this lifetime to maintain a delicate balance. If we imagine an energetic “ball” of an intention, it tends to flow back from matrix to consciousness. Here’s an example. We wake up, and we see that there’s dishes in the sink. We have a thought, which creates a consciousness reaction to do them. Consciousness to matrix and back and forth we go again. We are constantly being action prompted by our physical, matrix environment. While I do find that nature is generally “consciousness”, I do feel that sometimes its essence can lean more toward matrix. Perhaps it’s a happy in-between The sun setting and rising every morning is very patterned behavior, hence matrix activity. Perhaps if something leans more toward pattern it’s more matrix, and the opposite is consciousness. Kind of interesting to consider if you’re super matrixed or not. How pattern oriented are you?

Nevertheless, we can assume that our lives may be more “simple” when we simply just have ourselves and the matrix to deal with. Clear energy with matrix, and clear energy with consciousness. However, that’s not the case right now. Our lives are so incredibly complicated, and on top of that, technology and AI exists. But why is this important relative to the matrix? Technology such as news sites, echo chambers, social media and more, create “fake” matrixes, or fake realities. We have all of these matrixes layered on top of the main matrix. This can make it super difficult for this intention energetic orb to bounce back and forth. It ultimately gets “caught” depending on how many other mini-matrixes we believe in or subscribe to. This can cause a lot of frustration, confusion, anxiety and energy. The antidote is, of course, to limit the amount of time used with technology. While it’s true that some community spaces can “act” like layers of the matrix, particularly if they are all-consuming or cult-like, we typically have enough impressions and stimulation to “get out of them”. But if we truly wanted, which is an experience unlike ever before, we can simply live inside our homes existing online and never get out. This is true multi-framed matrix territory.

We have managed to create multiple matrixes within the matrix. We are in meta-matrix mode. And I do believe, that we’ve overcomplicated our lives as a result. However, there is an important key here. If we choose to use these other matrixes as a form of escape, or a projection of our fears and anxieties, we can use alternate realities to ruin the world. However, if we offer spaces for help, hope and healing, we can ultimately cure the world. We have the choice to determine our presence, what we subscribe to, and what we offer up our attention to. We are truly responsible at the end of the day.

I do personally believe that much of our disconnection, anxiety and depression is caused by these alternate realities. We’ve never really taken a step back to understand how the internet and technology has affected us. And while it may sound old-timey or conspiracy-ish, the relevance to the matrix is so incredibly obvious, we can’t ignore it. See if your technology or internet “freeze” starts to help your mental health. I reckon we could all use a break.

Consider your current relationship with technology and social/informational spaces. Are they a detriment to you? Do they help you? Do they help others? We need to turn the internet into a better place. We need to help save ourselves from the anxiety and stress that negative matrixed realities are causing us.

If you’re confused of where to start, examine your current usage. What you’re interested in. And how it’s affecting you. It’s important to start with acknowledgement and acceptance first. And then you can proactively transmute this energy.


200. Unexpected Ways To Improve Mediumship Abilities


198. The Story Of Healers & Channelers