225. Are You Creating Problems?


It’s no surprise that we tend to create problems for ourselves. So what does this mean? Well, often times we’re not necessarily physically putting up a road block to get where we want to go, but often times we do so mentally and emotionally. 

It’s hard to imagine that we would in fact create problems. But why would we? While it’s easy to say that we may have a fear of “success”, I don’t know if that’s necessarily the immediate case. Yes, we may have a fear of the eventual success in regards to what responsibilities that holds, but often times we’re afraid of the road or the path to success. I would reckon that in everyone’s mind “success” likely is a very different lifestyle for us. Perhaps it’s a different living location. Maybe more money. What about a relationship? In other words, you are virtually a different “person”.

So what would that mean fro you? Likelihood is that you’ll need to release fears, negative emotions, or perhaps areas or aspects of your life which you hold dear to you. Are you afraid of letting go? Or pushing forward and attaining? There are so many “tiny” fears associated with success, that I doubt it’s even half fo the fear itself to actually be there. This also rings true for intuition alignment. We may want it, but we don’t want to do the work, or deal with existing in this new and evolved energetic space. I would say the first steps are acknowledgement and acceptance. It’s also important to deduce what these fears are. But knowing is only half the battle. I would suggest conceptualizing one of two options. Do you remain in this stagnant space forever? Or do you feel it’s worth it to push forward and incur any negative experiences in order to be where you want? Sometimes we need to do a mental/emotional (and physical) trade-off. 

While physical obstacles are very real, particularly to those who are less fortunate or entitled, sometimes we ultimately use these as excuses or “crutches” as to why we cannot move forward. It’s important to remember that we have ultimate manifestation capability in this lifetime. There’s nothing stopping you truly (in achieving your specific dreams) except for you.


226. What Happens When You Bury Debts


224. What Happens When You Reject Anything Negative