227. People Who Don’t Want You To Succeed Don’t Want You To Mess Up
Many people who have claimed “success” in their life acknowledge that failure is part of the way. After all, if you’re doing something worth doing, it may not be an easy path. It may not be a clear path. It may be one entirely unchartered. And it may be controversial, in some ways.
There are two parts of this discussion. One is that trial and error is not only necessary to discern what works for you in the future, but also so that you can resonate with many parts. In other words, often times you can lose a sense of clarity with “too many thoughts”. If you aren’t executing enough, it’s more challenging for the universe to guide you. You simply need to “do”.
In many ways, those who take risks and “fail” are martyrs for success for the entire species/collective. But that is of course contingent on you being upfront, honest and authentic with this information.
I think it’s worth mentioning that nothing is ever really expected to be linear. You’re really just “chipping away’ at the lower vibrational energies which are to only holding you back, but reinforcing misalignment to your purpose and path.
If we imagine that a winding path is our means to success, we often times need to “check out” other paths in order to know/accurately assume that the one we’re on is right for us. It’s really all about experimentation. It’s also important to note that energy is changing and shifting constantly. And sometimes we think we know our life plan, but it turns out, the universe had something else in store for us.
I will admit that at this point in time, it’s becoming more and more challenging to take risks. One, because we’re living our lives so quickly, that it’s somewhat not manageable to have “too many options” and not discern what’s best for ourselves. But on top of that, we’re maxing out our resources. We’re not all financially abundance, or have enough free time to move forward with these processes.
There’s a lot of conditioning that we receive as people which asks us to have a traditional education, get a “proper” job, and in some ways, I do feel that part of this conditioning is in some ways, for the benefit of the people. But I do feel that it’s primarily to keep us going around and around in a hamster wheel, as well. I do feel that some forms of education are a means of control. Perhaps as a society, we somewhat demand it, because we expect there to be education for anything and everything. But, I’ll leave this up for you to decide, as I feel it’s somewhat irrelevant to the point.
If we can convince people that making mistakes is bad, we can “show them the way”. We essentially not only take away choice from people, but we take away their autonomy, as well as their concept of self-responsibility. And in some ways, unfortunately, we have been okay with that as a collective.
If we fail, we essentially embark on a different path and journey. These paths are potentially revealing secrets, they’re going into uncharted territory, they’re asking questions and going against this control.
In any type of situation, if a group of people, a system in place, or even one person can convince you that if you make mistakes or fail, you’re not succeeding, it’s intended to control you. Or it’s simply their projection of issues with control. Period. it’s part of life, and it’s what we’re here for.
Perhaps this can help people who are struggling with failure. It’s simply… what we’re here for. It’s integral. And maybe you’re helping to do the work for someone else. Remember that we as individuals push forward evolution and the collective with our experimentation and forward motion. We define success, and can always simply reframe failure as success, anyway.