230. How To Make Protests As Effective As Possible
In my opinion, the reason why a lot of movements or protests fail is because they aren’t entirely understanding the process of changing someone’s mind, or in other words, transmuting negative energy within a person. If you come at someone too hard or too negatively, their instinct reaction is to reject, repress or compartmentalize this information. And I mean… I get it. Who are you to possibly care the way someone digests information? Well, you should. Because it’s going to be the framework for your success. You cannot save the world alone, but you can ignite the fire in which people care and step up to the place to help assist you in this message or execution/outcome, or at least helping to disseminate it.
The process of transmuting negative energy is acknowledgement, acceptance and proactive transmission. In other words, you need to get people to hit all of these steps for them to take action. Sometimes this is done immediately, and sometimes it takes a lot of work. We can hypothetically assume that there is some type of a “blockage” that the collective has which prevents them from aligning and rising to action. This is likely just a substantial amount of negative energy. Perhaps this negative energy is related to a particular, specific cause. Or it might just be so much that we can’t possibly hold space for anything or anyone. Consider that when we inhabit so much negative energy, our energetic bodies become so incredibly dense, that we don’t have the capacity to do much of anything except to sustain ourselves at the current moment.
If we can acknowledge that this information or cause is important, accept that we are a proactive contributor to the problem, and then allow ourselves to release any preconceive notions or blocks which inhibit us fro moving forward in alignment, or addressing this issue in a positive way, we will have made a successful ally.
Many people get caught up with the “acceptance” phase, because it’s ever too easy for us to distance ourselves from things. In my opinion, our lack of spiritual integration believing that we are a part of the entire human collective is what prevents us from feeling a sense of responsibility, or empathy. It’s something that I feel, we need to work on as a whole.
Here are the overall steps in order to make your protest/movement as successful as possible from an energetic or metaphysical perspective:
Laws of attraction and intention: Align yourself with a larger group or message. If you can’t attend, set intention on your end at the same time. It’s pretty self-explanatory to say that the more people you have on your side, or the more people spreading your message, is important. Due to how fractaled we are as a species, it’s likely that your movement already exists somewhere else on the globe. If possible, align yourself with these causes, or potentially combine. Consistency may also be helpful. Not only will this play a key part in awareness (of course the more people you have/the more groups are a part of it, the more helpful it is), but the more energetic bodies that you have fighting for this cause, the more energy you have flowing in the direction of success. Intention is truly manifestation, and you’ll want as much of this as possible.
Spread of awareness: While I’m sure that it’s important to gauge your audiences, the more that you can spread your message, the better. The more eyes on it, the more likely that this information will be starting as a “seed” in people’s conscious selves or subconscious selves. You truly have no idea how powerful even one message is. Even one simple line can change people’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors moving forward. And you never know. People may tell other people! Even if they don’t acknowledge, accept it OR act on it.
Tone must overall be positive: I know… I know. If there is a clear threat and present danger, how can you possibly have it be a positive tone? Consider that you can still deliver and state factual information without a fearful perspective. People DO NOT respond well to fear. It almost goes straight into the rejection/compartmentalizing folder in their brain. In my opinion, they’re much more likely to act in a positive way over time if the information is positive. It’s true that they may act out of fear quickly, but it’s typically going to be self-serving, and not helpful for the rest of the collective, whom clearly needs the help. So… Why positive? Positive energy is a “clear” channel. Essentially, it’s not carrying any negative energy or burdens. It can almost run straight through someone. In other words, the effort or execution on a person’s part will and can be much quicker and easier. Negative feelings, fears and emotions allow people to ruminate and potentially lash out with more negativity. Consider that negativity is a disease that is not cured by more negativity, only positivity. Not to mention, love and positive energy always wins in the long run. Negative energy wins in the short run. Which is why generally over time world bends to justice. Why? Because negative energy only works on loop. In other words, it only feeds on more negative energy. Positive energy feeds off of source and light. It’s always abundance, and always there. Therefore, it has duration and length.
Focus on acceptance of recipients: Don’t lean into guilt and shame in order to bend people’s will. Again, it goes back into this negativity loop where people reject the ideas. You’ll simply be enabling guilt, repression and shame. By acknowledging and accepting others, you’ll allow them to go through the process of transmuting negative energy.
Focus on feelings of repression to proactively transmute: This is more so an angle in regards to approach, tone and marketing. Accept current behaviors, despite knowing it’s not okay. You need to help people feel safe, secure and calm for them to stick their necks out, if that’s the case. To take action, people may be ashamed that they haven’t for so long. Or again, there may be other negative issues at play.
Outsmart the system: This one is a bit tricky, but don’t dismiss it. because it can be effective. Say for example your particular protest or movement has a particular theme. Say its air quality, for example. Ok, well what is air quality? Air quality affects heart chakra, it affects our ability to allow energy to “get up and move”. It protects us from old/negative and stagnant energy, and allows us to “pick up and move on”. It allows energy to dissipate, etc. Consider how you can approach your message and marketing to help with corresponding concepts and theme. It’s not “just” about air, if that makes sense. These themes are not irrelevant. Everything is inter-connected. These can also be more approachable access points or entry ways if people are struggling to digest your movement or protest as a whole. Or simply the idea as a whole.
Don’t give up! Things take time. And don’t ignore the power of manifesting and intention setting when embarking on your journey. Accept help and be a clear energetic channel for abundance and support.