232. Is Divine Feminine Submissive?


There’s a lot of things I’ve learned about divine masculine and feminine energies over time, starting primarily with the fact that we really don’t truly understand these energies. The most enlightening discovery was how gentle divine masculine energy was, and how powerful divine feminine energy was. This lead me to an interesting find.

It’s not hard to come across the trope of women being “submissive” not just in relationships but in the workforce and honestly… through anything and everything in life. Lack of choice or decision making power. And this was never intended to be the case, and is never intended to be the case.

While it is true that divine masculine energy is often times associated with discernment, logic and boundaries, there’s absolutely no concept of control being more significant to one of these energies in particular.

Divine feminine power is strongly associated with the power of discernment. In other words, the clear ability to make decisions which are right or wrong. This brings up another trope that women anywhere and everywhere don’t know what to do, or what they’re doing. As Reese Witherspoon once said… there’s never been a woman in an emergency situation who doesn’t know what to do.

The most important aspect of this conversation is that women’s empowerment in terms of decisiveness and discernment is strongly correlated… with themselves. They are truly powerful in knowing what’s best for them, as well as the collective as a whole. While this doesn’t mean that they are intended to make all of the decisions for anyone and everyone, their intuitive abilities allow them to have a higher processing level of discernment.

This is why it’s such a shame that women are not in higher levels of power.

With the power of discernment comes the responsibility of alignment and choice. If someone, anyone is in a warped relationship with divine femininity (in other words, several people on earth), their insecurity of misalignment with discernment will cause them not only to act out in frustration, but also the innate ability to control others. Note that the projection fo finding a need to control others is strongly not only correlated with the inability to control one’s self, but also, again, a warped relationship with divine femininity.

It’s not a surprise that generally speaking, women are intended to be the “discerners” of who comes onto this earth. We’re ultimately faced/tasked with the most important responsibility (arguably) in this lifetime. Women typically make decisions on behalf of their household, as well. They are discerning how to grow, evolve and shape generations, and the people that come after us. Their jobs are invaluable.

Truly step into your divine feminine power and allow yourself to discern based on alignment, intuition and power. No matter what sex/gender you identify as. Everyone has this ability, and it’s time that it has a more prominent voice, particularly out there in the world.


233. Do You Incur Negative Karma From Abortions?


231. Energetic Perception Isn’t Always Caused By Trauma