268. House Of Mirrors


I find the concept of a house of mirrors quite funny. I’m sure that even if you haven’t stumbled into one at a carnival, you’re somewhat familiar with the concept. You enter a room where you’re surrounded by multiple mirrors. Many of them are warped in some kind of a way. What I find truly ironic about this is that it’s typically for horror or amusement purposes. Something to “jolt” you. And it makes sense. When you’re seeing something which you don’t perceive to be there, particularly if it’s reflected back at you about yourself, it’s certainly startling.

A house of mirrors is somewhat metaphorical for a larger idea. At any given moment in your life, you’re surrounded by an environment which is “mirroring” back to you. Even the trees in the distance on your walk to work are still part of your mirrored construct. As your eyeballs perceive it, and the image of itself is reflected back onto you. Images are the most basic form of this concept, but we can imagine that any and all energies also fit this bill. Those around us and their actions and behaviors are often times “mirrors” of our energies and experiences as people. I’m sure that you’ve heard of several people talking about things and people they attract. Why would this be the case? Simply because they are projecting this energy out there.

If we can imagine that we “create” this house of mirrors for ourself in our home, our environment, and amongst our group of coworkers, family and friends, we’ve virtually constructed all of this. Anything and everything we do on a daily basis is a manifestation or a construct of our thoughts, feelings, emotions and physical ability. We’ve “made it happen”. But do we ever stop and question how? Why? Why do we create and do certain things, and others do not? While it’s true that some intention setting is a key point, we’re creating who and what we are, and what we perceive. If we put out multiple energies into the universe, all of this will be reflected back upon ourself. This is somewhat the way the world works. Imagine that you are applying for jobs. You send multiple resumes back into the universe, and on occasion, you get a message or an energy which responds back. When we “create” our life out of our own perception value, we may either like it or not. There can be a sense of frustration in “creating” or lack there of the “wrong” results.

Ultimately, here’s what’s happening. We are creating reality the way we’ve constructed it. And we are perceiving said reality as a result. We are theoretically in a constant feedback loop with our creation and our perception value.

So how on earth would one get out of this loop? I mean… it’s a great question.

I think that before one starts this process, it’s important to have a level of discernment in relation to your intuition. What is and what isn’t working in your life. This is the base level. What’s challenging is that sometimes we can be oblivious to the unknown or “miss the point”, but by starting somewhere, you’ll likely end up there. It just may take some time. Once you identify what needs to be modified or changed, you can start the process of “rewriting” this narrative. Or in other words, replacing these mirrors. Remember that you always need to have a perception value, so rather than “removing” it (which I suppose you could do, as people can go “off the grid” and disconnect from reality), you’ll just want to slowly start replacing them. You want mirrors which aren’t warped. Which identify the true you, without the composition of negative energy, false attitudes or beliefs, or just negative or critical thinking in general. This somewhat ties in to when people say you need to be somewhat “delusional” to make change happen. That’s because you’re totally rewriting this narrative. You are replacing a mirror with something that doesn’t exist yet. And you need to be in that place to make it happen. Otherwise you’re just going to start replacing mirrors with other mirrors, and you’re kind of going to get nowhere.

Truthfully, I’m no expert in this process. After all, I just talked about lots of different metaphors which cross over each other, and perhaps at times, contradict each other. But it’s sometimes hard to explain more abstract concepts and thoughts without an example. At the end of the day, your environment reflects you. And your reality is your belief system. Don’t let this loop go on if you’re unhappy with it. You can make a change, and it starts with acknowledgement.


269. Marijuana & Psychic Ability


267. Why Being Basic Isn’t A Bad Thing