294. Speaking Isn’t Communication, It’s A Modality
I suppose that this sentiment is somewhat obvious- after all there are those who physically do not have a voice. Metaphorically, others do not, as well.
I bring this topic up because there’s more to our expression and our energies than just how we speak or talk. It’s not the entirety of communication, because it’s simply a vessel/medium or format of communication. From a spiritual perspective, anything and everything is all the time. It’s simply how we perceive/understand, as well as digest/extrapolate and regurgitate/reformat this information through our own lens and our own perception value.
It’s kind of odd if you think about it. We’re all just human beings existing in the same physical world, but a very different mental/emotional one.
So what are the other modalities of communication? One could assume that the clairs sum it up. However… there are a significant amount of clairs. The obvious ones are clairvoyance (images), clairaudience (music or speaking/talking), clairsentience (clear feeling) and claircognizance (clear knowing). The two latter ones have nothing to do with the physical way of expressing ourselves. They’re just a different… output of our expression.
I bring up this topic, because I want the collective to understand the nuances of communication. Communication is people, maybe even places, and things, as well. Communication is… honestly everything that is an impression. Channelers all communicate through different, untraditional means. And it’s not just about ghosts. If channelers can speak to spirits in these unique manners, we can “speak” to others the same way, as well. I personally find that the way to enhance our survival as a species is to focus on more telepathic communication with not just each other as individuals, but the collective as a whole. How can we become more perceptive to different methods/modalities of communication? How can we avoid jumping to conclusions with what is at face value? Or how can we bring ourselves more clarity with what isn’t face value to avoid also jumping to different conclusions.
The topic of digital communication is an interesting/unique one. While it provides us with many different solutions, it has its own set of challenges. Considering these is less or altered energy which is a part of this communication process, it can be hindered or unintentionally altered in a negative way. From personal experience, I do actually feel that technology is my “friend” and offers more than it is a hindrance. I think that depending on who you are personally, it can go either way.
See if there are ways that you can be at peace with the existence of energy or “anything and all things”. How do you perceive this energy? How do you express it or share it? Are there ways that you can emphasize other means of communication? Maybe your different “channels” are causing mixed signals to others. When we’re not aware of these channels, it can be easy for our wires to get crossed, and therefore, it appears that way to others. Without conscious interjection or thought, sometimes our energetic channels exist on loop or have a “mind of their own”. Ensure that your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual “selves” are in harmony, peace and alignment. What are they all “communicating” to you? What are you communicating to them? Sometimes personifying our different parts can be helpful in this process. Awareness is likely not only the first step, but the solution to communication issues as a whole.