324. What Is Luck?
As I’m writing this on St. Paddy’s day, what a perfect time to talk about luck. Despite the suffering of Irish people, I’ve always wondered what their affiliation with luck is/was. But maybe that’s just their secret. As a side note, I’m give or take 25% Irish. But I have to say as a meat-oriented culture, there’s not very many good things I can have. I’ll never complain about a potato, though.
A common phrase of mine is… “when your persistence matches your luck, you will succeed”. But what does this mean? We all know what persistence is. Hard to imagine only trying once for your whole life and getting your way, although Id o feel people are much less persistent than others and tend to get away with it. It really just depends on you as a person. I feel that people who don’t need to persist as much as others are more aligned to their intuitive selves. And then we have “luck”. What is luck, after all?
From a metaphysical perspective, I describe luck as one of two things: one is somewhat of a “spiritual miracle” for yourself, or perhaps someone else. Whatever your particular intention or desire is. Keep in mind that there’s millions, if not billions of fractals of energy happening at one time. And when one or more of them “matches”, or is in alignment, and it’s relative to your perception value, then perhaps it’s “luck”. We can assume that luck is slightly more than chance, right? Because luck can only be recognized if the recipient has an intention or desire aligned with such “luck”. If you got free chocolate for life, but you were allergic to chocolate, you would find this to be unlucky. But if you’re someone who loves chocolate or can’t afford chocolate, this would be incredibly lucky. So there is an element of personalization here.
So how are some people innately lucky, or how do people become lucky? One would have to assume that luck is associated with being at the epicenter of stating intentions and desires. If you put it out there, things will come. Kind of like law of attraction. If you simply “exist” without a care in the world, one would assume that you wouldn’t be lucky. But here’s the tricky part: Sometimes we are subconsciously manifesting, and we’re not aware of it. So we may not think we put the intention out there, but we very much are so doing it. People who are naturally good at this for whatever reason (whether it’s biological, environment related or past-life related) have chosen to put themselves at the epicenter of energetic forces. Physically, this may look like stepping up to take responsibility, being somewhat of a risk-taker, perhaps even simply just a believer in energetic forces. mentally/emotionally, it’s likely that you’re a “clear channel” for new energies to come in. So what does this look like? Likely taking up opportunities as they come to you, safely acting on impulse, being open-minded, and having clarity in your decision making. In other words, not being bogged down by anxieties, stress and/or problems or issues from the past.
From practical knowledge and experience, there have been periods of my life where I’ve been extremely unlucky, and periods of my life when/where I’ve been extremely lucky. All of the times I’ve been extremely lucky, I’ve acted on my impulse. And that impulse was my intuition saying… you have to do this. Those moments didn’t always come around so often, but like I said, when they did, I did it/them. It’s true that I had a very strong, quiet confident about them which is hard to say which came first. Did the strong intuition come first, or me “manifesting” these experiences, so to speak? Maybe it’s a mix of both. But I will say that I’ve not always been confident, and I don’t talk myself into many things. So who really knows? My best advice is to not force confidence. Seek out experiences which you feel confident about. And maybe they’re quite outside the realm of what you’re currently doing. If you’re only looking from a narrow perspective, there may not be a lot. Besides, we’re always shifting, changing and growing, so your desires, interests and intuition are likely shifting constantly, as well.
Are there any rituals that can help with luck? Depends! If you “spread” your intentions outward and push your energies outward or onto other things, this can help support you in your cause. But I find that most items are not inherently “lucky”, unless they’re being used with or by someone who has “lucky” energy.
I hate to say it, but a lot of this does come down to intuition alignment. Maybe there’s some magic and mystery with luck, but I do certainly know that you can enhance your luck using these ways. Be “stately”. Be the magnet of your energetic desires. State intentions, and maybe just be “one” with the universe, so that you’re always enhancing those connections.