326. Less Talked About Ways To Improve Intuition
Not only are there so many “improve your intuition” helpful tips, skills and exercises, but there’s just in general so much information out there. I know personally, before my intuition opened up, I was totally overwhelmed. And if I tried an exercise and it didn’t work, I felt like it was a failure. This got me thinking… maybe there was more to intuition than just the “standard” tests. Although my intuition opened up spontaneously, so I can’t necessarily speak to a build up from nothing, I can certainly speak to refining intuition overall. So here are some ways that you can indirectly improve your intuition, which have not only helped me, but have come to me in channeled meditations as well.
Act safely on impulse: I talk about this all the time… acting (safely) on impulse. Let’s make this clear though, impulse is not the same thing as an addiction that you feel “required” to do. In essence, a loop. Impulse is often times spontaneous, and it feels bright, new, fun and cheery. It doesn’t feel like you “need” to do it to feel comfortable, safe and secure. Often times, this is our subconscious self “leading” us in the direction we need to go in. Can also be from our spirit guides as well!
Take calculated risks: I recently talked about how the “answer” to safety and security from a metaphysical perspective is not to remain stagnant and in one place, but to go with the flow. You need to “make moves” so to speak, to keep your head afloat. One way of doing this is to take calculated risks. It’s also one of the only ways you can get out of your comfort zone.
Trust yourself in the face of adversity: There’s going to be lots of people telling you “no”, or judging you in general. Sometimes its people’s jobs to look out for you in their own way. However, no one is truly living your life. Only you know what can and will make you happy. People tend to attract a lot of attention when they put themselves out there, particularly if the sentiment is controversial. But you have to shake things up if you want to change. We can’t always live within the status quo.
Surrender to the concept of a newly aligned life: I find that one of the most prevalent things which stops people from aligning to their intuition is that they do not want to change and evolve. The idea of having all of the answers seems great, until they actually have to live up to their highest potential. Although it may sound easy, it may mean changing your life completely. And many people are not okay with this. Sometimes, the path to alignment can be ruthless. Are you truly up for the challenge?
Work against limiting pre-conceived notions or beliefs: You may think you know everything, but channeling may tell you otherwise. If you’re set and rigid in your ways, you may “ignore” or reject information coming to you. And to be clear, you can simply think you know everything from your perception value, this isn’t about being arrogant. We exist in a society which has lots of laws, values, morals, etc. If you’re not willing to upend your beliefs, you may be in store for a problem.
Create or do something entirely unique or new: We become so accustomed to our lives and our daily routine. What would happen if you did something completely out of your comfort zone? This could be “the thing” which breaks you out of your loop. If your mind and physical body are on a hamster wheel of routines, not much energetic information is going to come through. Keep in mind that sometimes we take a lot of comfort in our routines, and therefore use it as a distraction. Make yourself distraction-free to see results.
Truly believe in the world or life of your dreams: This goes beyond intuition. If you aren’t proactively trying to improve yourself and the world around you, what is the point of having intuition? Simply to benefit yourself? You don’t have to be a martyr to be intuitive, but you need a level of self-responsibility where you will lift up the collective, maybe at any cost. Call it a hero complex, but why have an ability to do nothing with it, or simply use it for your own gain? Anyone and everyone else on earth is using their own abilities for their own gain. In order to have extraordinary or extrasensory ones, think beyond your own self. With that said, in order to evolve, shift and change the collective, you must believe in the impossible. You must have an idea which is different than others. You possess abilities which are different than others when you think differently from others. And you need to be the one that starts this journey.