328. Spirit Guide Vs. Ancestry Readings
So you’re looking to get a spirit guide or a passed loved one reading. Which one do you choose?
Chances are, you may already have a pretty strong idea of which reading you want, so perhaps this is more for context.
Often times, we’re drawn to spirit guide readings because we’re interested in our own expansion. I would say that typically we’re attracted to passed loved one readings, because we’re more in a contraction phase. In other words, we are craving closeness, that family intimacy, or maybe just want reassurance. This is somewhat similar to why you should get either or.
For spirit guide readings, this is typically a good thing to get when you’re looking for more guidance and advice on your life in particular. Many people assume that their ancestors know what’s best for them, but I actually find that to be inherently false. In many instances, I’ve actually had different family members “disagree” on advice for a particular person. The people closest to our journey and our lifestyle is in fact our spirit guides. They can provide you with the most tangible and accurate advice. I would recommend spirit guides for current issues or problems, as well as paths or journeys. This could be love, business and career, life purpose, etc.
For passed loved one readings, they are typically a good thing when you’re looking to find some answers and closure regarding your childhood, your past, your ancestry line, or perhaps even family dynamics. I say family dynamics loosely because again, they are sometimes looking out for others or even their own selves. So you may just want to take their advice with a grain of salt. Passed loved one readings can be great for your own validation, as well. They provide a lot of reassurance and connection. They can be great if you’re looking to tap into your higher self, the other side in general, or just a channel of a spiritual connection.
In the end, I would say that spirit guide readings are more practical and tangible and passed loved one readings are more spiritual and ethereal. However, that’s just a general observation, and both can certainly switch or flip. I would say it would be unusual for them to ONLY adhere to these principles.
If you’re having trouble deciding, you can of course get both! Or set the intention to allow your intuition to decide. You can ask for messages or signs as to what’s right for you. But hopefully this helps!