393. Important Foods Of The Moment


While we’re already quite into 2023, so perhaps I can’t do “2023 power foods”, I’d like to channel which foods or perhaps even liquids are particularly important for us at this point and place in time. Sometimes I think it’s funny that we tend to fall into certain food trends, diets or fads, as I feel it’s the collective’s reaction to energetic changes and experiences. So what are the important foods of the moment?

  • Limes: While I don’t recommend putting lime on your skin, there’s an impression fo a topical application (perhaps lime-inspired) which is rubbed on he legs in order to “release” cramps, such as charley horses. My suspicion is that when ingested orally, it may help to prevent some types of cramps, particularly in the lower body. To me, limes are “clear” foods, meaning they help to release old, negative stagnant energy and promote a clear channel.

  • Cherries: Cherries are totally a power food. It’s interesting because when I channel, I get “Cherry Garcia”. I wonder if this is because cherries alongside other things are particularly stronger. Like other foods surrounding it may help “deliver” the goodness or amplify its benefits/make it stronger. Could be interesting to consider what you may crave cherries with. Maybe if you can only handle them in ice cream, this is your sign! I find cherries to be highly associated with the cardiovascular system and blood. There’s a consistency and pressure that comes along with it, so it may help those who suffer from low blood pressure in general.

  • Corn: The biggest thing that comes up for me with corn is “popping” or “pop” ability. I feel corn has the ability to grow or “explode” energies in the body. Id o feel that its energy is dated with magical moments and magical experiences from indigenous time. It’s certainly “ancient”, so to speak. Corn can provide happiness, life and levity to those who consume it. I somehow get a lot of flack for talking about corn, as people perceive it to be unhealthy, but i would say I disagree.

  • Tea: There’s no denying how important tea is. There are so many different properties that can be beneficial in tea, and it’s hard to make this overarching statement, but I would say the biggest energetic benefit I perceive from tea is the relaxing and soothing qualities it has. Lean into types of tea which promote these kinds of feelings.

    There are likely and certainly other foods and drinks which are key or beneficial for you at the moment. Consider that although this is information for the entire collective, you may find that you do not energetically vibe with one or more of these. It’s based on your own intuition at the end of the day, as well as guidance and advice from a licensed health professional. I would strongly recommend doing this exercise with foods that you “feel” are right for you, noting that they may change over time. Perhaps it’s time for a new way of looking at foods, and not just what high-level is “good” or sustaining you, but things which can really emphasize your way of being, your goals and individual needs.


394. Is There A Religion That’s “Most” Real?


392. The Undercurrent Of War