400. Improving Intimacy
I’m not precisely sure where this post is going to go, but let’s get started.
I’m certainly not the expert on intimacy, and from a metaphysical perspective, perhaps it’s a little bit challenging to understand. Connection on a metaphysical level, that i understand. Connection is releasing any blocks, preconceived notions, judgments or projected energy onto people, places, things, ideas, situations and more in order to reveal the “truth”. I think that as a human being, there are several ways to be connected to others, including mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. It’s of course an easy example to talk about being a channeler: In some way shape or form all those who have extra sensory perception are able to connect in a different way or at a higher level than others. Sometimes I do wonder why some are able to tap in, and others aren’t. But I think it’s somewhat chalked up to losing this ability over time, as well as the direction that your purpose is pushing or pulling you toward.
So I must ask myself… how is intimacy different from connection? Is it a deeper level? Is it a different kind or type? Maybe intimacy is connected to a feeling, while connection is mental or physical. At times, I wonder if it’s a form or a sense of surrender. Which brings me to my next point.
You’re truly projecting anything and everything you know onto reality, and so if everyone else. It’s kind of a wonder how all of these perception values mesh and intersect. I suppose in some ways they don’t, and that’s how we have so much chaos in the world. Makes me wonder how could they more, or in general, what if they do? I’m not sure if there’s an answer. In my mind, I just see these giant “orbs” radiating from people, which I suppose is their “filtration” system of how they see the world. And occasionally they bump not or mesh with others. And I suppose when you become incredibly close to someone, they practically live on top of each others. They’re still autonomous, but there’s almost this… surrender that happens. I truly believe that intimacy is related to the surrendering of old perception values or strongly held or old/limiting beliefs. There needs to be either a compromise or you letting go of parts of your perception values to work to see the world in a slightly different way. And if this other person sees the world out of love, this is an incredibly enlightening experience for you. But if they choose to see it in a negative way, it will become an incredible detriment to you.
Perhaps connection is simply the inherent, natural and “truthful” experience that al of us have as energetic beings. And intimacy is the process, through time, in which we surrender, release or bring down the walls of our ego, perception value, or other, in order to bridge a deeper connection with other people. To further the connection in a physical world or physical kind of way. It makes sense, as intimacy can be sharing secrets with other people. We are allowing the deepest, darkest parts of ourselves to be released or shared in some kind of way. I do feel that this entire interpretation is up for debate, but it’s just a starting point.
So one may ask.. what is a practical means of gaining more intimacy with others and the world? Since intimacy is of course tied into vulnerability, it’s not that you need to be intimate with anyone and everyone, but it’s good to let select people in. It is interesting to understand the value of intimate relationships with those whom you are close to. Perhaps it just bridges a deeper level of closeness, communication, trust and reliability. I’m sure there are lots of benefits I’m not even thinking of.
Intimacy is part of the human condition. At times, i wonder if it does cure loneliness. I’m sure everyone can relate to living a normal life, having friends, maybe even having a romantic partner but lacking a sense of intimacy. It’s challenging to know or understand that level of emotional depth if you haven’t felt it before. So for a more practical approach on how to resolve this, simply set the intention. “I will experience and know a deeper form or level of intimacy”. You can ask your guides for new options and opportunities to do this. And I would also recommend proactively pushing or challenging yourself to share, be open, let walls down, and conquer your fears. All positive things that even if they aren’t directly related to your sense of intimacy, will improve your life overall.