90. You Won’t Find It If You’re Looking For It


There’s a delicate balance in the universe of what ultimately comes around to us karmically, and what we manifest for ourselves. While I do believe that we are solely manifestors of our own destiny, I also know and understand that we are not alone in this universe. We have karma, contracts and some “obligations” to others. On top of that, we are constantly dancing with the other energetic forces at play. Whether that be people, planets, places, etc.

I often times find that people tend to “obsess” over results. Ever notice that those with abundance, never really… think about it? It just is, and it’s so commonplace, that there isn’t a world that exists without it. There’s never this fixation or negative energy association, which may ultimately cause lack of. But how can you attain something without proactively thinking about it?

It’s true that you can set intentions without fear and anxiety related to achieving it. As well as any additional walls which may be a block from receiving said abundance. I think that this just ladders back to having trust and faith in the universe. When you try to fight for everything you want, you are always on the offense, and can never really receive while being open and/or vulnerable.

So why is it so bad to fixate? The truth is, I’m not entirely sure. I think that obsession and fixation is often times related to negative energy. It’s true that the universe hardly ever gives us what we demand from it or “need” from it, but primarily what matches our energetic state, and what we deserve. While there are certainly some outliers, typically when we’re in a state of obsession, this isn’t a positive or healthy energy. Typically it talks about a superficial, egotistical need. Particularly when we feel this way about people, such as romantic lovers. When they say when you love someone you should let it go, it’s actually a similar thought to the fixations that we have about abundance. These manifestations and intentions need to be “free” out into the universe in order for the universe to bring them back to us. Kind of like an energetic boomerang. After all, this is required in order to receive abundance. While we may “create” our destinies, it should really be said that it’s co-creation with the universe.

Often times we keep these ideas and thoughts trapped inside. Perhaps we are too embarrassed or ashamed to tell others. Maybe we’re afraid of what the universe might do with it, or bring back to us. Consider that sometimes when we are so specific with our intentions and manifestations, it means that there’s only one possible outcome. But for example, if 10 people are manifesting the same person as a wife, you are now competing with 9 other energies. What you need to do is stop obsessing and fixating and just “be”. Not only is this a host of more positive energy to give yourself the better chance, but if you do this intention setting and manifestation right, you’re really just looking for someone who exhibits these qualities or shares a similar soul wavelength as you. Which means you would theoretically be open to other options.

Going back to the title, sometimes we as humans have blind spots. Or worse, we have fixated outcomes. When we are so silo’d with finding a specific result, we are often times denying other options and opportunities brought to us by the universe. Sometimes our conscious self can be so dense and quite frankly, oblivious, that we often times don’t even know what’s the best thing for us. Consider how many great things in your life were primarily spontaneity, coincidence or chance. You set yourself up for them, but then you allowed for abundance from the universe.

I think the main message here is to stop silo’ing your future and destinies, and remain open. You may just be pleasantly surprised. And perhaps to cover your bases, set the intention to be surprised and delighted by the universe ;).


91. Fight Or Flight


89. I Don’t Read