1. Living A Chaotic Lifestyle? You May Be Avoiding Your Problems.
I suppose the first part of this post should be… what is a chaotic lifestyle? I think that this is totally relevant to any and every single person. I don’t feel that being “busy” is considered a chaotic lifestyle. I feel that chaos is typically marked by being in a state of lack of balance. Things may be 0 or 100 with no in between. Yes, business can be chaos, but with balance, it’s manageable. Perhaps things may seen out of your control. I think we can all imagine a “chaotic” lifestyle as one thing or another, but there’s generally a sense of unrest, or a lack of peace.
As I’ve gone throughout life, I’ve always felt that what we need to do is somehow manageable. I suppose it’s true that if we continue to push ourselves beyond what we can accomplish or achieve, we may be stretched more or less thin. But I believe that the intention of our incarnation is so that we are able to handle or manage anything and everything that’s put before us. And I do feel that priorities are needed. If you physically or mentally/emotionally/spiritually cannot take on what you’re doing, it’s time to reprioritize and add or subtract things.
As a result, we can assume that chaos is too much, or perhaps too little, with lack of balance. There’s definitely other factors here, such as retaining on to old, negative or stagnant energy. If we consider that our bodies are an amalgamation of parts, negative energies tend to warp our perspectives, because they aren’t “ours”. They aren’t true to us. These “prisms” as I like to call them perpetuate our fear, confusion and disrespect for ourselves. This of course, ultimately just adds to the chaos.
When we release these negative energies, we’re ultimately a clearer channel. We can even liken it to a pinball game/machine. All of those little blocks on the pinball machine can represent these negative energies. If we need to follow through or execute something, the “ball” or this energy will just end up bouncing around. It won’t get from point a to point b. It’s quite literally, lack of a clear channel.
This is what can cause “chaos”. So let’s circle back to the topic. If we’re avoiding our problems, or ultimately hanging on to or creating more of these “roadblocks”, we’re going to feel a heightened sense of chaos. Or a heightened sense fo energy not flowing in the direction it’s supposed to flow in. Like we’re driving a car that’s just doing donuts rather than getting from point a to point b.
We tend to “nourish” these negative energies when we lack self care. The ultimate problem with negative energy is that it tends to grow legs and affect multiple areas/aspects of our lives. This is why it’s so important to be proactive with removing these things and facing our fears.
The best antidote to this problem is starting with acknowledging and accepting the problem. Then you can move on to proactive transmission, which is either releasing the past negative pain or trauma, or, seeking out positive experiences with a similar overarching concept and theme to naturally “transmute” the old negative energy out.
We have a tendency to “build up” our problems, because secretly, sometimes we don’t want to release them. Sometimes we like living in the chaos. It feeds into our identity, or at least our ego. Sometimes we’re afraid because we don’t know how to live. Heck, we might just be afraid to acknowledge the problem to begin with. Everything from here up is just a defense mechanism related to this problem, or a “build up” so that nothing can reach it. Kind of like when you’re building a moat around a castle.
We may think that we need chaos to feel alive, productive, etc. But what we truly need is a sense of peace. It’s a fallacy to think that peace is boring, but we’ve somewhat conditioned ourselves to believe this, as we become obsessed with dramatic entertainment. While dramatic entertainment certainly isn’t bad, it can have a tendency to feed these negative energies. Be sure to only take what is interesting or insightful, and not simply validating old or inhibiting beliefs.
You can absolutely move forward and release this energy. You just have to start in the right place. Give peace a chance!!!