2. COVID’s Energetic Significance: The Age Of Independence
It’s no secret that COVID has been incredibly challenging for all of those throughout the globe, particularly those in certain countries where the virus has really run rampant. Being in the United States, it’s been very upsetting to witness not only the lack of government intervention, but the complete indifference that some have shown in the face of this pandemic. Ultimately, this virus is here for an energetic reason. The phrases that stick with me are “the reckoning” and “balancing of the scales.
I can remember a few weeks and months leading up to the pandemic, I would walk outside my house at night and feel incredibly spooked. I would look up at the trees, see the swaying, and get this feeling of an apocalyptic scenario. I had no premonitions of the virus, beyond this. I would often talk to other psychics about these feelings which were validated. I would call it “evil earth energy”, which is what it felt like. Since COVID happened, I no longer feel this energy throughout the earth. Before the pandemic it felt looking. Almost watching, waiting. This also indicates to me that this was no accident.
For the last 4 years we’ve been in a period of contraction, which is no surprise since we’ve been under a Republican presidency. Often times these two elements go hand in hand, as expansion is more of a democratic trait. This one has been particularly difficult, as the age of expansion coming for us will be incredibly enlightening. It’s really up to the collective to take advantage of this energy.
In terms of learning(s), self-reliance is a huge theme. This isn’t an accident- it really needed to happen to equalize our energy before the age of expansion. Self-reliance has been shown throughout almost every aspect of our lives, from finances, personal relationships, to even the content and media we consume. I often note that unexpected individuals are really coming into the light and grabbing the attention of the masses. I’ve been particularly intrigued with the focus on everyday content creators vs. the figures that the media has deemed “important”. The focus has certainly been shifting.
Quarantine and isolation are also significant, however I shall write an additional post about that.
Retain all of your independent learning(s). Lean into them and acknowledge the strength(s) they gave you. Soon it will be time to reintegrate as the new you into society.