10. Is Everyone Psychic?
That’s it… that’s the article.
What I will say is this: Before my intuition opened up, I would roll my eyes at everyone who said, “everyone was psychic!”. I felt they were downplaying their abilities and it in turn made me feel like mine was particularly weak. Overall, there was just a disconnect.
What I wasn’t totally understanding was how subtle psychic information can be. Psychics may say, “I see this…”. From my non-intuitive perception, I thought that a vision so intense, so “That’s So Raven”-esque was happening, that it was so divisively different from how I interpreted the world. And yes, it’s true that some psychic visions are similar to that, and everyone is different. Perhaps some psychics only experience visions that way. But for the most part, it’s not the case.
Psychic information is subtle, at least for me. It’s a thought, a feeling, an idea, or my “imagination”. I’ve just come to understand that there parts of my “imagination” (intuition) which are “right'“ vs. other parts (anxiety or negative thoughts) which aren’t.
But let’s take a step back. How is it that everyone is psychic? Well, we all have to be for one main reason: We’re a part of consciousness. We have consciousness, or in other words, our subconscious. Because we’re connected to our higher selves as well as the rest of the collective, and operate as free-thinking conscious beings, we have intuition and therefore we have psychic ability.
Although I honor and respect those who perceive themselves to be psychic, because not only is honing in on this craft an inclination or gift, but also a dedicated practice, but I do feel that we tend to separate psychics or mediums too drastically from the rest of the collective. If you have intuition, you’re psychic.
There’s several ways to hone in on this ability, but you’ll have to start at the beginning: Wanting to. Although people may admire psychics work, it’s a tough job. Committing to experiencing energy in this way and inhibiting all of the positives and negatives and the trials and tribulations is a lot. Not everyone truly wants this, even if they are curious, or would like to experience a level of intuition which is heightened. If you have fears associated with psychic ability, it will likely be more difficult for you to achieve this. Not impossible, as fears can be transmuted, but it will be a blockage. This is one of the most challenging things for people to overcome, so not only is it a good place to start, but it’s a hefty place to start. I would consider several months being dedicated to overcoming fears regarding psychic ability. Even if it’s not fear, it’s mental preparation for what comes to your life as a result of this. Does it make you uncomfortable to feel other peoples’ pain and emotion? Does it scare you to communicate with ghosts? Does it freak you out to have all of your perceptions of the world broken down? Even if we’re not talking about experiencing psychic ability, you ultimately inhabit “truths” of the universe which will rock your very core and foundation. Everything you previously learned or understood about your life may change. Are you ready to potentially experience an identity/spiritual crisis as a result? Although these are very intense topics and are not intended to scare anyone, it’s really important to be aware of what comes along with psychic ability, so that you are knowledgeable as to what you’re committing to.
Know that you can set not only the pace, but the parameters surrounding how you receive psychic information and what you receive. Personally, when my intuition opened up, I set a strong boundary that I did not want to see any spirits in their physical form. And it worked. Do you have a preference of what you’re comfortable with? Perhaps you want to start out small by receiving “signs” in the form of physical validations. Maybe you only want to receive them in song lyrics. But honestly, the opportunities are endless.
Sometimes people want to know how they know if they’re receiving signs. If you feel like it’s a sign, it’s a sign :).
I’ll continue to discuss this topic as time goes on: How to develop your intuition, etc.