9. What To Do When You Have Too Many Life Options
The (sort of) cruel irony of life is that we live in a time where we have a multitude of options. I want to be clear that I’m not negating that we have struggle. There are horrible things that we face as humans, and I acknowledge my entitlement, and I’m sure many of my followers would acknowledge as well. But let’s look at it from the perspective of our time. We, as humans, have the option to live a reasonably comfortable life by doing quite literally anything. If you have a computer and an internet connection, not only can you provide your skills to others, but even using your personality as a tool, you can gain a following and form a life for yourself with cash money. With technology, we have an abundance of options, and in particular, many more options than generations have had before. I would assume several things are contributing to our indecisiveness as a species, perhaps even attention deficit, but I don’t think it’s of the highest important to deduce them. It’s different for everyone.
One quite interesting observation I’ve made is that particularly skillful and talented people sometimes have the hardest time leaning into and committing to decisions. In my previous article regarding imposter syndrome, I go into this more deeply. What this tells me is that people have lived several past lives not only learning valuable information and knowledge, but also experiencing lifetime where they’ve had limited options. Consider options as sort of a linear scale in this particular earth timeline. As we evolve, options become more abundant by proxy. If we’ve been conditioned, and that conditioning is ingrained in our energetic bodies in DNA to simply comply in any sort of situation, we’re unlikely to “break the mold” and move forward with our own decisive paths. However, as I mentioned, there’s likely several factors contributing to indecisiveness or simply inability to move forward with our own lives. Fear is also a “deciding factor”.
Regardless of the reasoning, what can we do about it? I discovered the answer when I was thinking about past lives, and my purpose in this lifetime. In several past lives I was censored. I wanted to share with the world my gift of perception value and information, but it was never the right time. Or I was persecuted for what I did. Many of those fears transmuted into this lifetime and upon my own will, I censor my own self. I feel that it’s not the right time. And several other fallacies I “tell myself” because I’ve lived through them in past lives. They are part of me and it’s practically impossible to remove them from my energetic body without being aware of them (consciously or subconsciously) and proactively transmuting them. However, it’s sometimes quite challenging to narrow into past life, since it’s really about deducing patterns. In a more simpler way, often times we can connect with this overarching theme by simply “feeling” what we’re incarnated in this life to do through meditation or intention.
So I was able to understand that in past lives I was censored and I was not able to either express myself or share my information and knowledge. I suddenly felt grateful that I did have the opportunity in this life to do this. I started to understand gratitude and how high of a vibration it is. Not only is it a high vibration but it’s essentially a “clear channel” unburdened by negative energy. Rather than flow of thought, it just “is” and it’s right. It’s sort of one of the most purest essences of the universe. Often times we confuse gratitude with giving, or even worshipping, but it’s not. It really just simply is. It’s observing, it’s quiet, it’s peace. It’s love and reflection. Again, it just… is. It’s that pure moment that you feel when you sit with yourself and feel at awe with the universe.
So, what are you grateful for? And if you don’t already have it, what will you be grateful for in the future? I will say that you’ll likely resonate with it now, because it will be such an abstract energy, that you’re likely already resonating with it in some way. For example, you can be grateful for family, and although you may be thinking of future family, it can also be speaking to any family or even friends which you have right now. Because gratitude always “is” this energy always “is”. You know?
When faced with too many options, lean into gratitude. What are you grateful for in this lifetime? And how can you leverage that into the decisions you make and your considerations moving forward in alignment to your life purpose.