102. Are You An Ocean Or Space Person?


While there are many aspects to our known physical reality, often times we consider some things to be “duality”. Perhaps it’s mountains and the ocean. City or farm life. While there’s much in between, we are often times comparing two things which we “feel” are opposite. Space or ocean sort of make sense. They’re both incredibly vast and relatively “unknown”. The ocean is below us, while space is above us. But ironically, both are all around us.

So what’s the point? Like all duality, two polar opposites theoretically fit into the same module as duality. Which means that one must represent contraction vs. expansion. Divine masculinity vs. divine femininity. Personally, i find that space certainly resembles divine femininity. It’s vast, forward moving and expansive. Ocean then must be divine masculine. However what’s ironic is that water is a “feminine” trait. However to me, ocean represents deep inside of us, while space represents deep, yet all around us. Hypothetically, we could argue both ways. I do feel that duality can change depending on what it’s compared to. And to be quite honest, I find that both water and mountains are divine feminine. So, some can be both.

But what if we remove typical labels of duality. What do we know about the ocean, besides that it’s unknown? I find that ocean represents the depth of ourselves, while space represents the depth of others. Perhaps there’s no true “meaning” behind this explanation, besides simply a feeling. Both can be scary and unknown., yet somehow we are attracted to one or the other. Or perhaps both or neither? I find that since water is particularly associated with our emotions, it’s likely that it represents this part of ourselves. If you resonate with the ocean, do you feel particularly connected to your emotions? What if you are afraid of it? Perhaps you may “fear” large bodies of water. Maybe that means you are insecure with areas or aspects of yourself. I find it to be an interesting balance between something so well known (as we access it daily), yet so unknown. Considering we don’t truly know what’s at the bottom of the ocean.

Space is quite the opposite and arguably, even more unknown. While we can see space, we can’t quite touch it. It’s incredibly far away from us. I find that space represents everything that is unknown, or perhaps infinite energies of the universe. It’s possible that people who are more attracted to space are much more attracted to this as a concept. Expansiveness, the unknown, what’s truly “out there”. Perhaps they are ultimately more comfortable going outward, than going inward. 

Something interesting I find about space is its ultimate “darkness” despite some stars. I wonder if those who are attracted to space are better at conceptualizing and visualizing. They can “create” whatever they need, which isn’t there. They would have to hypothetically if they lived there, anyway. Despite both being technically uninhabitable, at the moment. It is quite fascinating to think that life only exists currently on our planet in this solar system. Or at least life in the way that we know it.

Maybe this duality is simply about turning inward vs. turning outward. But I wonder what you think. Let me know if you have any ideas of what makes someone an “ocean” person vs. a “space” person, besides having some type of proclivity for both. But maybe it is simply proclivity and setting. 

It’s interesting to consider how many kids are interested in water vs. space. It seems like this is something we were incredibly attracted to as kids. I wonder why we moved away from it. What other insights could both of these things tell us?


103. No More Villains


101. Why We’re Obsessed With People Who Don’t Want Us