104. Women’s Repression Through DNA


As I continue to channel passed loved ones for clients, every so often I get a female who has passed on (typically a grandmother or older) who has a lot to say about female empowerment. Except it’s not directly related to female empowerment, it’s a sign of the times.

Often times older females come through to talk about their lack of options and opportunities in the physical world. Sometimes they don’t, but often times they do. So why is this the case? Well, it’s of course acknowledgment of what they went through. It’s information for me, and for their families. But there’s always something more. We cycle through concepts and themes of our family members. And if our family members have to deal with certain themes, chances are we have to deal with them too.

Many women were repressed in decades past. And this energy spills onto us. So what does this mean? We may ultimately, in turn, “create” this oppression out of nothing. Our physical reality isn’t mirroring the oppression that we feel and face. So what does this mean? Do women have no oppression? Of course not. There are still many ways women are unequal. But we do have a tendency to oppress ourselves. We suffer from insecurities, issues, imposter syndrome, etc. There are many ways in which we inhibit ourselves, for seemingly no reason. What could be this reason? We are simply cycling through concepts and themes which were brought before us. We know that we share our grandmother’s energetic body, as we were created in them, yet we somehow tend to distance ourselves from our family members despite these very physical circumstances.

Many times when I start to get this message, I immediately know where it’s heading. The grandmother talks about how she wishes that she had options and opportunities, and wants the granddaughter to take advantage of options and opportunities laying in front of her. Our ancestors after all, want us to have the best life possible. They don’t want anything to inhibit us, including ourselves.

I’m going to say something bold here. While we need to fight for physical and external oppression, if we don’t resolve our mental and emotional oppression for our own selves, this oppression energy will continue to exist. Because we are perpetuating it unintentionally and indirectly. Concepts and themes are all the same energy, despite them taking on different forms of physical manifestation.

If women want to truly improve their lives, we need to remove all aspects of self-inhibition which is holding us back from achieving our purpose. We need to take calculated risks and align to our intuition. We need to cycle out of these themes. Our ancestors worked hard to survive, and to create life which one day, and one day will, be free of oppression. We need to hold up that end of the deal. We need to make life better for those who come after us. And it starts with us. We can still fight the external fight, but we need to fight the internal one as well. Nothing can stop us from being the best person we can be. And once we get to a level individually where we feel comfortable and confident, I guarantee this will be reflected in our environment. It’s not our fault, but we are a key in solving the issue, and we don’t even realize it.

If this message wasn’t important, I wouldn’t keep getting it. But it comes up constantly. We have unlimited options and opportunities, and we have to take advantage of it. We need to resolve our ancestry trauma, and again, make the world a better place than we left it. We absolutely have the power.


105. Energetic Consent & Predicting The Future


103. No More Villains