105. Energetic Consent & Predicting The Future
So what is energetic consent? Essentially what it sounds like. It’s our “consent” to something, but it’s on an energetic level. So it’s not necessarily something that we “say”, but it’s just something that “is”. This typically happens on a subconscious level vs. a conscious level (so we’re not entirely aware of it). It’s sort of unclear how much our subconscious and energetic consent not only work together, but play out on a daily basis. So here’s an example.
Say I’m doing a reading for someone. It’s important that I get their conscious conscious (so that they say yes), but also their subconscious consent. As their subconscious energy is essentially where I’m getting this information from. If they have a wall up, for whatever reason. Sometimes they’re afraid to know the truth, or sometimes the truth is blocked from them from a higher source (typically spirit guides or other), I’m not going to be getting this information. There’s a “block” and I understand I’m violating “spiritual law”. But what is spiritual law? It’s theoretically subconscious consent, no?
Throughout time, there have been some clues to lead me to the idea of energetic consent. I’ve stumbled upon some recounts of those under hypnosis and meditation expressing that subconscious consent is a thing, and we sometimes say “yes” to things that happen to us in the physical world, which our conscious mind is unaware of.
But is it true? Signs lead to kind of. We intend to incarnate into this world, so why would we not give consent to what happens to us here?
The ethical dilemma is not the thing itself, but the concept. How difficult can it be to tell someone that what is happening to them, or what has happened to them, is under their own control? That they were abused in some kind fo way, or went through that pain, on purpose? Well, theoretically, that is the intention of our life, so in some ways it makes sense. But I think this is likely going to be one of the hardest things for the collective to consider or wrap our minds around. Although I do find energetic consent to be a thing, and we consent to even the bad things that happen to us unknowingly, I don’t state it as fact. As I feel at the end of the day it can be a “skewed” theory due to perception value. But I suggest everyone comes to their own conclusion fo energetic consent.
Based on the fact that what will be what will be, I find that energetic consent is more vast, broad, and expansive than just saying yes or no. I feel that there are multiple plays at work. Perhaps it’s our guides, ancestors or masters helping to pull some strings.
As I talk about with health and wellness and our intentional learning lessons in this lifetime (such as illnesses and diseases), I find that considering that you did subconsciously elect to have these things happen to you, ultimately puts you not only in more control, but allows you to be more informed. By laddering these things up to an overarching concept and theme, you can understand why said thing is happening to you, and ultimately or indirectly help resolve it by buoying up your other energetic areas, or other physical manifestations under the same umbrella.
Arguably, this is the same concept as “god’s will” (it’s just that we are god), or that “everything happens for a reason”. While the sentiment is often times unhelpful because it’s quite frankly just dismissive, I still truly believe it to be truth. We can either run from it, or work with it/fight it.
So the question is. How do we access our subconscious/energetic consent? Can we do so through meditation? I would argue yes, but fear ultimately blocks us from knowing. Could you hypothetically figure out anything and everything related tot he current energetic trajectory of your life? If fear doesn’t block you, or spiritual law, why not. Could you imagine what the collective would be like if we were able to fully anticipate everything that happened to us? Perhaps it’s a catch 22 to know your destiny. But I wonder how much suffering we would theoretically add yet subtract to our lives. It’s an interesting conundrum.
What I will say is this. Consider the pros and cons of finding out more information about yourself, energetically. Are you open to it, or not? I mean let’s get real, you’re reading this right now. So you must be semi-open. But how open? Would you want to know that truly negative things which could potentially happen to you? Why or why not? Would you allow access? And what would you do to prevent it from happening? Would you truly be playing god?
Perhaps energetic consent is not energetic consent, but information we choose not to know. Information we reject knowing. And ultimately, the responsibility comes down to us. Can we change our trajectory if we know it. And how. Does it always work? Or are we at the mercy of not only universal energy, but of those people, places and things around us. At what point do we feel that this is integral or not to our learnings here on earth? Does it ruin it, or enhance it? I’m not sure we will ever know. But considering only a few throughout time have been able to forecast results, and as a collective we have chosen not to know (typically) for ourselves, I reckon this is likely the way it’s “supposed” to be for now. But we choose what’s “supposed” to be, after all. So maybe we should choose something else. Just food for thought.