114. Dreams & Their Importance


One of the most devastating things I often times hear is that dreams have no importance.


We quite literally use our most lucid moments to dream up the most fantastical (not saying it’s always possible) scenarios in our own mind. We have no rules, no laws, and it’s just simply meant for us. And this is all for some reason, completely unintentional or on accident? I don’t buy it.

Despite us not knowing so much about dreams, I think that we can all align ourselves on the fact that dreams are a projection of our consciousness. Our imagination at work. Perhaps our desires, maybe our memories. Essentially whatever we subconsciously want to “picture” (for better or for worse), we do.

There are so many “witchy” theories about our dreams. Do you astral project in your dreams? Perhaps, although I don’t feel that it’s something that we do often, or without intention (even though you can provide subconscious intention and consent). Do we have spirits visit us in our dreams? Yes, I find that we often times are visited by spirits. Why would we potentially have spirits and ghosts visit us without astral projecting? I find that this is a clear cut explanation of us all having psychic or mediumship ability. We can have our loved ones visit us in our dreams, and be receptive to this energy, we can certainly do it in our conscious state as well. I don’t feel that we need to “go” somewhere else as a result. I don’t personally feel that living people visit each other’s dreams, although technically we can telepathically communicate. However, I don’t find it to be as common or as likely due to our physical limitations in this particular dimension.

We can intention set in our dreams. It’s not uncommon for me to find meditations where there’s manifesting in your dreams. We can use this space wisely, however I don’t necessarily recommend it if you’re not attracted to the idea. Our subconscious will do the work for us, so I don’t find that we need to orchestrate our dreams, unless you’re interested in using them for a different purpose, or potentially lucid dreaming. But at the end of the day, our dreams are ours and we can do with them what we wish. But don’t feel that they aren’t valuable or working for us if you aren’t directing them. Again, this will happen naturally.

There’s lots of other things we can do to simply impact our dream state. I know that people often times put crystals underneath their pillows to recharge them, or perhaps for good dreams. Consider that you are dreaming for a lot of your life (or just sleeping), so while it may not be right to you to direct the outcome, I would encourage you to make your nighttime routine as well as your bedroom/bed as comfortable and nice as possible. You are channeling the energy of your surroundings when you sleep as well. Perhaps invest in a great mattress or pillows! I certainly do not have that so I’ll consider taking my own advice.

So does everyone dream? I think so. However I feel that we don’t always remember our dreams. I think that it’s possible if you have some issues going on that you may not dream much at all, but I find that your brain is always active at night time. So even if you aren’t seeing visuals, note that you can still receive energy through feelings.

So what’s the point of dreams? Primarily to be learning lessons, ways to resolve our own energy and experiences that we can have “safely”, and not in the physical world.

So why do we have nightmares vs. good dreams? Well, for a few reasons. Often times these are “learning lessons”, and they can be different paths that we take in the physical world. So we may dream about an argument or a certain situation or confrontation. The intention is that we will resolve it in an unconscious state, and bring these learnings into our conscious mind/the physical world. But there’s also something else. We only life one life… in this life. Which means that we likely won’t experience the entire spectrum of human experience or emotion. Our dreams allow us to live out these experiences and these fantasies. And sometimes they can also be indirectly helping us as well. The options are sometimes unlimited. If we face a fear in a dream which is scary, we’ll be more prepared to face it in real life. I also feel that sometimes old, negative or stagnant energy is brought up for us to proactively transmute. And by that I mean, we’re mentally and emotionally “resolving” it, so the energy releases itself.

Is it smart to over-dictate your dreams? Sometimes no. I have people ask me if they can stop dreaming about bad things, particularly their exes. I tell them that you certainly can set the intention to not have dreams you don’t like, but there’s a catch. Since sometimes we cycle through different emotions, dreams are a safe place to do it. These emotions need to be transmuted, regardless. And you don’t want them necessarily playing out in real life. While nightmares and bad dreams can be stressful, consider that experiencing this in your dream state may be the better option. However there are certainly different “ways” you can set the intention to slightly alter the dream if you’re feeling like you don’t want to see a specific person, as an example.

At the end of the day, dreams are just a projection of our consciousness. They can be anything or represent anything that we want. And they do that. Seemingly “random” things in your dream typically all have meaning. Consider everything in your dream, if you can remember it. And I do often times recommend keeping a dream journal so that you can be more aware of the types of concepts and themes that your body is processing. What’s happening, and why? Even random objects can bring insight. Consider what the true meaning is behind something. Typically you can do this by understanding what it’s used for. Let’s take an example.

Say you have a dream where you’re in a basement, but you have a light shining through a small window. But you can’t seem to get out. This particular basement is dark, cold and dreary. But the outside world is full of life.

What do basements typically represent? Well, typically they’re “unseen” parts of a house, or parts that are below the main living area. This could speak to depth of emotion, or perhaps subconscious. So we’ve indicated what the meaning of the setting is. So let’s take a look at the quality of the setting in regards to the quality of your depth of emotion or subconscious. Dark and dreary would indicate to me that it hasn’t really been touched or taken care of. As some basements are well-lit and well done. So we would then know that this is something that hasn’t been accessed, and is likely struggling. So what’s unique about this situation? We have this window which is at the top, but it’s unaccessible at the moment. So what could this mean? Perhaps you’re spending too much time in this depth of emotion, and you don’t have a way out, even though you see hope at the end of the tunnel. Since you can’t get out this way, this means you may need to re-route your approach of getting out of it. Perhaps you need to “go through the house” to get out, but you’re unwilling or not wanting to do that. Perhaps it means you need to work through these emotions, or bring yourself to the “surface”. The fact that the outside is bright and green likely means that there is hope, success and faith for you in the future. To me, this overall represents a situation that you can’t get out of, but there are options to get out of. It’s just about a re-route and maintaining hope for the future.

From my perspective, dreams are incredibly special! I hope that we all feel that way. Since I simply let my dreams be, they are sort of an anomaly, but I don’t mind keeping them that way. There’s so much to discuss on dreams, I feel like I’m only scratching the surface. But I hope that this is a good introduction if you’re curious about dreams.


115. What Are “Vanity” Relationships?


113. The Intersection Of Science & Spirituality