113. The Intersection Of Science & Spirituality


One of the things I will never understand regarding the science vs. spirituality debate, is why both of these concepts have to be so singular. Granted, I get that not much can be proven spirituality-wise. And it can be challenging to wrap our minds around it. After all, it’s so far removed from our current reality, of course it is.

I first want to say that there’s no direct correlation between all aspects of spirituality, beyond the fact that there’s something “else” that we’re not totally aware of. I think that people get really silo’d in the concept of there being a “god” who is a human-like “thing” which dictates and judges us all. On top of that, I feel that people get hung up on the concept of "ghosts” because they can’t feel or see them. But it’s so much more than that. If we just sort of shifted our perspective that there’s simply more than our eyes can perceive (which we already have proof of), the concept of spirituality and more “beyond” this realm, is ultimately more likely than unlikely.

But, I’m not here to argue one way or another. I don’t find that it’s a productive use of energy to convince people that spirituality is a valid answer, or as valid as anything else. I think that some people just don’t want to know. perhaps it’s not in their greatest good to know. on top of that, perhaps the time to know is simply coming, and they need to come around to it.

What I will say is this. While I’m certainly not a physics expert. In fact, I barely know anything about physics at all, I find that when I have conversations with others, my perceptions and resonations of energy tend to coincide with what we already know to be “fact” and “law”. To be honest, nothing contradicts it. It simply just ”adds” to it. It fills in the gaps of things we don’t know, which are a lot. We don’t know truly how our mind and bodies work, only to a degree. We don’t know how our thoughts and memories work. We don’t have a valid reason or understanding of consciousness. Not only do we barely know what’s outside our earth, but we don’t even know what’s at the bottom of the ocean. We know so much less than we should, to be honest. On top of that, we barely truly know ourselves, nevertheless anything which is external. I find that this causes a lot of panic and fear with people, which is often times why they try to hold on so tightly to their current belief system. After all, belief systems are theoretically more important than truth when it comes to physical change, evolution and persuasion of a collective. Facts and figures can become useless, unless we can shift the fears of humanity.

Additionally, we don’t know what happens when we die. But we simultaneously know that energy does not cease to exist, it simply transmutes and transforms. Our energy must go somewhere. It’s just my perception that it’s intelligent, because I find that I can read it. And others can do. Perhaps that degree varies, but I know that it’s real. Because without it, I wouldn’t be able to operate and live my daily life. If you think about it, it must be the case that we have some sort of collective consciousness where we are all able to coexist relatively harmoniously. Otherwise, we’d simply have no communication aspect and just be bumping into each other all the time. Like robots. And this isn’t to say that some people don’t operate as robots, as they do. But we know that intuition is something which exists, even if it’s to a small degree. We know that we have an intelligent consciousness, creativity and perception value which robots cannot replicate precisely.

I think the biggest issue is that we have trouble “personifying” anything that isn’t a human. We feel that nature can’t possibly be real, because it doesn’t look or feel like us. Or pets. Or the world around us. But we know that these are intelligent forces which propel the future. The biggest sort of joke that I have is that a matrix or hologram reality is likely, based on reports, yet we are still even unable to admit this to ourselves, despite it being theoretically a natural extension of patterns and AI. I truly believe people just believe what they want to believe.

I think you may ultimately find that science and spirituality rarely go head to head. It’s only when we consider it through the lens of “proof”, which is again, something we ultimately don’t have much for. At the end of the day, science and spirituality talk about the same thing. What “is”, however they are incredibly different approaches.

I’ve found that through talking with others, many aspects of energetic resonation work in tandem with several scientific theories such as string theory (interactions) laws of motion (energy is never still, it’s always at a constant), evolution (class consciousness), relativity (perception value), uncertainty principle (also class consciousness).

Many people argue the point of spirituality. To be honest, many may not seem incredibly relevant to lots of people. Personally, I find that the most open minded people are open to spiritual integration.

But let’s look further. What if spirituality is not just an answer for what lies ahead. What if it’s a different perception value of the truth, which can actually be helpful. What if we can backtrack energetic origins to look further and deeper into the truth. If we rewire our energetic fractals, or backtrack them, could we hypothetically rewrite society? A physical manifestation is just a physical manifestation. But a resonation is the truth. What if we were able to dig deeper than appearances. What if we were actually able to make perceptive progress, instead of deductive progress. And if so, why are so many people intimidated or scared to do so? Is there a fear they may be found out? That the life that they’re living is inauthentic, or meaningless? How ironic would it be that spiritual integration would render someone meaningless. But what if you are a nihilist, and you’re presented with a truth that you’re bigger and greater than what you are now? How would that shatter your belief system.

If we can backtrack every element of energy, we can reverse engineer our reality and our future. How could it possibly be that spirituality is meaningless, if we do so in a way that makes sense? Perhaps in order to do so, we need to be on the same page. Or maybe the most important voices need to be at the front of the room. Even if it’s a failure, it’s worth trying, no?

All that I ask is that we as a collective consider all possibilities. We can make educated and informed decisions based on science. While science has not always been right or accurate, I feel that we are finally at a place where we know more than ever (of course), but that real integration, progress and change is taking place. Spirituality can co-exist with science, always. Science can be deductive, and spirituality can be perceptive or forward thinking for the future. If we harness both the abstract and philosophical as well as the physical, there will truly be no stopping us. It’s important that we don’t reject either of these things, and not to fall so far away from the collective, that our energy becomes too fractaled. A unified front is the best way to combat issues moving forward. And while channelers theoretically provide not unified ideas and topics, they are thinkers for the future. we know that time and collective evolves, so at the same time, we need to be purveyors of philosophy, information and change.


114. Dreams & Their Importance


112. Skin Conditions & Your Environment