12. How Traveling Can Change Your Life (And Perception Value)


Every time I travel I’m immediately hesitant. There’s already things right in front of me to do, and perhaps even places and people to see in a blocks radius or two. You could essentially make any argument to stay in one place. And quite frankly, it could be valid.

I tend to forget that every time I travel I’m immediately refreshed and feel so much better. Granted the trip itself is likely fun, stress free and I’m likely seeing friends and family. The perfect calculation for a high vibration. But energetically, it’s more impactful than that.

Often times we are plagued with the same problems, issues and stagnant energy. As you’re reading this, I’m sure something comes to mind. When you remain in the same place physically, mentally and emotionally, you sort of energetically go around in circles. Nothing new is interjecting into this washing machine of energy, which therefore means nothing is getting out. In order to recycle and rehabilitate energy, it’s practically a requirement to proactively seek out new experiences to replace the old ones. It’s essentially a math equation: add more positive experiences to remove negative ones. By proactively seeking out these new experiences you are essentially escalating your timelines. You are presenting yourself with new learning lessons which aids in your learning, understanding and evolution. Sort of like earth exposure therapy. But there’s something which may be even more valuable.

Consider your perception value as how you view the world through your own lens of experiences. This pulls from experiences you’ve had on earth as well as experiences learned from past lives, or in other words, wisdom. There’s already value to this perception. It’s familiar, comfortable, and you can deduce your surroundings which means you can be productive and move forward in life. After all, you “know” what to do. But what happens over time?

By remaining in this silo’d perception value, you can start to see things, particularly in your own life, with a one track mind. You may begin to start making the same mistakes over again or become catatonic due to energetic stagnancy. Things become “should, would, could” instead of “doing”. It’s similar to how people get into relationships and are “blinded” by the situation. Only when they break up with their partner are they able to see the truth of the situation in encumbered by their partner as well as others’ thoughts, feelings and emotions. You gain information and insight unknown to you at the time. Consider the same philosophy but expand the concept broader. You have a certain perception value of your life including your behaviors and decisions, and once you remove yourself from this circle of energy, you gain more clarity overall. You have a removed perspective. Almost in a way, an outsiders perspective looking in. It’s incredible valuable and a “safe” way to experience other people, places and things without necessarily committing to a move. As a whole, I feel people who travel are more insightful as a result. 

If and when you feel stagnancy in your life, switch it up. Go someplace new. Do something new. Get yourself out of your current zone. Consider that locations have their own energy which is always contributing to your own energetic state. Could this be muddying your perception value and your decision making abilities? Live someone else’s life for a moment to truly see yourself.


13. What To Do If You’re “Cursed”


11. Can You Be Better Than Other People?