125. Intuitive Anarchy: What Should We Fear?
In some ways, I’ve always considered myself somewhat of an anarchist. While I know this immediately raises some red flags and “how could you?” sentiments, it’s more of an overarching philosophy.
I find that often times there’s a lot of fear mongering in the spiritual community. And while I don’t approve of fear mongering, safety and cautiousness is certainly not a bad thing. I think where this crosses a line is where someone directly says that a negative consequence will come from something that a person does, regardless. And to follow up, this negative consequence isn’t worth the positive lesson.
Since I feel I came to this earth to work in an expansion timeline (in other words, help push the collective), it’s no surprise that I’m more aligned to do things which are faster moving, or a little bit bolder and audacious when it comes to new information, thoughts and ideas. So I get that not everyone feels this way.
But at the end of the day, we are hypothetically limiting information, thoughts and ideas. Particularly with our indirect need for censorship and control (although we have free speech in this country, we ultimately tear others down, and as a result, intend to limit their freedom of speech in some way shape or form. This is a completely separate issue from holding people accountable, it’s simply attacking them for being their most authentic self. It’s kind of a really interesting example of how we as a society will continue to perpetuate the exact same problems, just simply in different physical manifestations.
Nevertheless, I don’t necessarily feel that this is the root of all of our issues. I think that primarily, we have certain fears which become triggered by tee thoughts, ideas and emotions of others, and we attempt to stop it. In some ways, this can work for “good”, or “bad”. For example, we can fight for this type of intuitive anarchy, or what we perceive to be right. But at times, it can ultimately be a losing battle.
So what happens if we should tell people that they should explore anything and everything with spirituality? Wouldn’t that theoretically mean they have complete access, no blocks, and will succeed? Maybe. Probably, eventually. But I do admit that some people need more hand holding than other people. This is why intuition is so important. Feel out what you believe to be the right process for you. Look into why you’re avoiding something. Is it because it’s not authentically good for you at this time, and can be damaging? Or is it because you are afraid of going through this transition of change, and you are proactively avoiding it. Keep in mind that to a degree, timing is everything. Just because it’s something which is “good” for you, doesn’t mean it’s the right time.
So what would happen if we did hypothetically have intuitive anarchy? I would reckon we would evolve at warp speed. I understand the need for contraction in this lifetime. But I also understand that when we do not face our fears, we ultimately prolong our suffering. And this isn’t what I want to see from the collective. Considering my “job” in this lifetime, and what I’m observing from the collective energy wise, we are already evolving at warp speed. It’s important that we carry through these trends, or we may ultimately get left behind.
While I respect that often times it can be a delicate balance, I feel that it would serve our evolution best if we allowed ourselves to be more free and open with spiritual information. To not dismiss, deceive or reject others. I think that teaching and learning is a big part of this, but also ensuring that those who are in the spiritual space are responsible with their messages, in both ways. Not to mislead the public into thinking that everything is easy and negative-free, and simultaneously, allowing for this openness and growth.