124. How To Align To Your Life Purpose
Despite whether or not we have a preconceived “purpose” which is part of our destiny, I think that we can all align to a “purpose” or a mission which we feel called to do. Perhaps this evolves over the course of our lifetime. Perhaps we choose to consciously and subconsciously change it. But I think we can all agree that having this intrinsic motivation, passion and feeling for living and helping others is incredibly important. So what happens when you don’t have a clue? Not to worry. Your purpose is often times a life long journey, and there’s no shame in still figuring it out. While it may seem that everyone does, consider that your time is still coming. By stressing yourself out, you can sometimes make things worse. So be sure to chill :) and start to understand the patterns within your life. You can also ask your spirit guides for guidance and advice in order to feel that you’re at a place where you can make more decisive moves. Or simply just feel more comfortable with yourself. Despite all of these considerations, know that by continuing to align to your intuition, you’ll shed what’s no longer needed, which will make this decision easier for you as you move on. Additionally, releasing old, negative and stagnant energy can also help release some of this cloudiness. But here are my strongest steps:
Write all your interests down. Over time, you can start to deduce patterns themes, and ladder them up to overarching concepts. Is it connection? Healing? Maybe it’s just creativity. Perhaps there’s a hypothetical “job” you can create with all of these things.
Backtracking. consider themes which have been the most consistent throughout your life. Sometimes it’s hard to understand ourselves in the current moment. What have you historically been attracted to? What do you notice keeps coming up and up again?
Crowd sourcing. Even as someone who’s intuitive, I certainly can’t see myself through the eyes of others. Often times I find that my perceived weaknesses are my strengths, and potentially vice versa. Typically we “focus” on things which we’re not already good at, so we may feel that we are better at them than others, due to this focus. But it’s often times the things that we don’t think about which we take for granted, and others notice.
Figure out what you don’t like. Honestly, I feel that figuring out what you don’t like can be more important than figuring out what you do. What do you feel so passionate about that you want to change it? Although in some cases, this can be a projection of yourself, it’s likely that these are learning lessons you’re supposed to overcome in this lifetime. So why not attach it to a job/career or a larger purpose? Figure out what needs changing, and then change it. Even if you fail, I reckon you’ll overall feel more in control, helping you come to peace or terms with the situation or theme.
Acknowledge your current situation or possibilities/impossibilities which lay in front of you. This is all about awareness. Note that just because you’re in a current situation, doesn’t mean you’re there forever. But steps to improve it or get out of it are important to tie into your purpose. What in your physical life needs changing? What do you feel in the outside world needs changing? Is it perceived to be impossible? If so, would you let that stop you? Consider what tangible moves and steps you need to be taking going forward.
Act on impulse and overcome your fears. One of the best ways to align to your intuition is to act on impulse, safely. This allows you to be in the moment and work with energy, vs. getting stuck in an infinite loop which may no longer be serving you anymore. Doing new things allows you to step outside of your perception value to really observe and deduce what is still working within your life. This is an important step if you’re having trouble knowing or understanding what’s working for you. Facing your fears also ties into this. Consider what new and interesting opportunities you can take advantage of. Are there safe ways to overcome your fears? Often times doing so makes us feel more free overall, and ironically, more in control of our lives. Don’t allow your fears to control you.