127. What Is Divine Masculine & Feminine?
A lot of times we talk about divine masculine and divine feminine energies. But what are they actually?
Like many things in our universe, divine masculine and divine feminine represent duality. So essentially anything and everything that we know and understand would theoretically fall into one of these two categories, or perhaps even somewhere in between, or in other words, both. I think that the semantics are yet to be known fully, but for the sake of this post, let’s say that it’s either one or the other.
So why is it feminine or masculine? It’s a good question. A lot of times when we think of feminine or masculine, we understand a physical manifestation of these terms. But these energies are not physical, they’re much more spiritual and abstract. Because there are so many nuances, it can be hard to compile a list of sure-fire adjectives for both of them. But here’s my best shot:
Divine feminine is very associated with expansiveness. It’s the key to expanding the universe with free thought, ideas and emotion. It’s particularly about globalization and spread of new things. It is heavily associated with working with others as well as collaborating with others. It’s very community minded and oriented. As a result, divine feminine is often times energetic, less boundary-oriented, optimistic and hopeful. There’s also an intelligence aspect here as well. Divine feminine is much more associated with mental, emotional and spiritual considerations, as well as communication.
Divine masculine is essentially the opposite. It’s more physical and deductive or logical minded. That’s not to say that divine feminine isn’t, but it’s more about putting together pieces of what we already know, which is opposite of divine feminine which is more perceptive. Divine masculine is much more boundary-oriented, there may be a more laid-back sense as well as calm and somewhat peaceful. Despite being boundary-oriented, divine masculine is incredibly strong with very gentle boundaries. Divine feminine typically comes to me as more powerful. Divine masculine is particularly self-minded and likes to rely on self only, or a very small family or community. It’s much more self-sustaining vs. being community oriented. Typically, divine masculine is overall much more grounded, while divine feminine is more inspiring.
As a result, both of these energetic forces take place in the universe. Divine masculine being more contraction (self) and divine feminine being more expansion (outward). At times, we can consider how we feel energetically, what we are attracted to and what we are embodying in our everyday life. Consider that even though you may be “attracted” to one or the other, it may simply because you inhabit the opposite, and are ultimately looking for a point of balance. This is why I often times find that heterosexual couples inhabit more divine feminine or masculine than the other, and are therefore attracted to one another to find balance. Similar to women typically being attracted to cats for companionship (divine masculine) and men typically being attracted to dogs for companionship (divine feminine).
It’s really important to note that we inhabit both divine masculine and divine feminine energies and traits. Otherwise, we would essentially not be able to continue operating and existing. It would be so polarized, we would either have no sense of self or no sense of our surroundings.
Divine feminine and divine masculine energies can often times be associated with our gender, and sometimes who we’re attracted to, but not always. No one can make a confirmed judgment as to which way you are, only you can. And I really don’t recommend spending too much time analyzing it. As often times the “percentages” of each tend to flux and change.
So what happens when you’re much more than the other? If you inhabit say, 70% divine masculine and 30% divine feminine, you are in what I like to call a “warped” energetic state. This is typically marked by extreme lack of balance, and extreme motivation into one direction or another. I often times find that very successful people are warped divine masculine or feminine. Reason being is because to break molds, you often times need to be a bit unbalanced. When you focus too much on balance, you’re really sustaining much of the present vs. looking toward the future. Consider that often times people who chase success have some type of an “itch” to do so. It’s something which makes them uncomfortable to simply be existing in the present moment without creating or innovating. The type of work or success that a person has may also give us insight into which energy they are most obviously inhabiting or presenting.
As a result, it can be challenging to confirm whether or not balance or imbalance is good for you, or good for the collective. I often times find that balance is good for oneself, but imbalance is good for others, or the collective. However depending on the type of work a person does, it may ultimately be damaging for the collective.
It’s not inherent to focus on balancing yourself out, only if this particular imbalance is disrupting your life. Energy tends to have a way of working itself out. If you’re curious about these energies, consider asking for signs from your spirit guides in regards to which you inhabit more of. And if you feel it’s best to balance them out, you can ask for signs or help/advice to do this as well.
Masculine and feminine energies are simply two explanations of these forces of the universe, and it’s a good reminder to note that they go above and beyond gender. They’re simply energies. As a matter of fact, I find that often times we warp our perception of these energies and fixate and focus on putting them into physical manifestations for seemingly no reason. It’s my belief that divine feminine is the opposite of control and therefore there’s a pressure or a desire to squash it. When we are afraid of something happening, we tend to attempt to relinquish it, and control it as much as possible. But the matter of fact is, this can work. Except this energy doesn’t really cease to exist, it simply limits itself. The true way of overcoming this is to know and understand that power of energy can never be destroyed. It can be warped, but it never ceases to exist. The answer is to live in your power, understand it, know it, as well as the possibilities which lay before you. What you intend to do with this energy is entirely up to you.