128. Procrastination & Avoidance
If there’s one thing I know about, it’s procrastination. I think that my perfectionism coupled with my intuitive sensitivities create a whirlwind of obstinate rejection and avoidance. But what do the two of these things have in common?
You may think, well… you are avoiding something and therefore you are procrastinating. But let’s dig a little deeper. What exactly are you avoiding?
I tend to notice that procrastinators have two common underlying symptoms. often times procrastinators are overwhelmed. Even though from an outsiders perspective they may seem not overwhelmed with responsibility, typically they are mentally, emotionally or physically over inundated in some way shape or form. Even if it’s all in their own head. This feeling of being behind makes it particularly difficult to follow through with tasks.
Additionally, people who procrastinate are often times sensitive. Either again, physically, mentally or emotionally. so what does spiritually have to do with procrastination?
If someone is particularly sensitive, they may be “feeling” the effects of a certain task, and negatively at that. Keep in mind that every item or object has its own energetic signature. And it may be inherently negative. We may be picking up on this when we go to do tasks, and therefore are avoiding it, despite how much we know it needs to get done. It can be challenging to “feel” seeing it through. This particular task can be triggering for lots of reasons. It can trigger negative emotions within us (particularly if it’s something we have already been avoiding), and it can also trigger a “web” of other energetic signatures (for example, this can remind us of something which is a negative emotion, despite it not inherently carrying it. On top of all of this, if we are inherently at a negative vibration, our frame of reference may be that we “see” everything as inherently negative. Or we may be okay with our uncomfortable state, and may feel that we are fine dealing with the discomfort of having it done, vs. the discomfort of not having it done. It’s sort of like when you are dealing with a hoarders situation. one ultimately acclimates to their uncomfortable or sometimes even grotesque surroundings, and the process of removing these things can become so overwhelming, that they are more apt to be in the opposite of this discomfort. Comfortable being uncomfortable and uncomfortable being comfortable.
It’s challenging to know precisely what leads up to this point and place in time. Negative influence? Trauma? Perhaps just continual self doubt. What’s particularly unfortunate about these situations is that it often times becomes more and more challenging to tackle it as time goes on.
So the question is- how do you tackle this? To be honest, I think it’s different for everyone. Of course, the first answer would be simply taking a small actionable item and accomplishing it, giving you that confidence to keep moving forward. The other is to deal with the overarching concept and theme. Do you have an issue with addressing sensitive topics in general? Perhaps there are other “sensitivity” related issues that you can work to resolve. Consider that every physical issue has an overarching spiritual meaning as well as concept and theme. If you feel uncomfortable addressing an issue immediately, consider what else that is metaphorically related that you can work on. But most importantly, it’s important to set the intention that this is what you want. If you consciously or subconsciously do not want this change, it’s likely that you may indirectly prevent it from happening. It’s important that you are willing to take on this negative energy and transmute it, in order to get to your desired result. To be honest, I feel that setting the intention and meaning it is like 60% of the battle. And it’s theoretically the simplest part.
I do want to stress that “tiny wins” are a huge component of this. While it may seem that you need a “million” small steps to get somewhere, I promise that in actuality, it’s never as bad as we think it is, or make it out to seem.
It’s definitely important to seek one on one, licensed professional help on your journey. And if that’s not available, consider other means of support. This can absolutely help keep us on track, as well as learn from others’ experiences. Know that in these cases, the risk is worth the reward. When you put yourself out there to transmute this negative energy and receive abundance, you are ultimately left with more possibilities than you started with, even if you hypothetically aren’t as happy (but I doubt that that will be the case :))