130. Expansion Vs. Contraction & The Period Of Expansion


The two forces of the universe are ultimately expansion and contraction, or really anything similar to these terms. These concepts are both as they sound. Expansion is moving outward or forward, and contraction is moving inward. In order to create life in this universe, we need both. Even as we walk throughout life or exist throughout life, we go through several moments of expansion and contraction. Inward and outward. It’s ultimately how our bodies move, our muscles flex, our heart beats, and our organs operate. And this is how the universe modifies itself, too. 

The universe of course does this, on its own schedule. While there are likely several different manifestations of contraction and expansion in different alternate universes and dimensions, on earth I feel that we often times go through periods of contraction and expansion, not only every moment, but on a grander scale, every 4 or so years. While this is more of an intuitive idea, 4 does represent an “equal” number and a number of balance. While I don’t feel it’s always precise, it’s my best estimate.

So what’s the importance, for us? While this likely has several different effects, particularly on the earth as a whole, including its animals and nature, I find that it also affects us as humans. But it’s interesting to consider how people react to these changes.

During a period of expansion, there’s a “clear channel” so to speak for expansive experiences. In other words, experiences which are more global. Experiences which are heightened regarding communication and sharing of ideas. Anything which is moving outward. This can also enhance trade, as well as immigration, etc. Consider it to be more “community” oriented as a whole. We may find that those in the collective are particularly collaborative and willing and able to help each other. Now, we may think that everyone is positively affected by a period of expansion, but it really quite frankly, depends. If you’re someone who has incarnated into this world with more of a contraction energetic signature (for example, you’re a man, and/or there are other aspects of your energetic body which are more focused on self), you may have a harder time with a period of expansion. But the irony is, sometimes it’s easier. As hypothetically, you may be particularly excited during this time, and are able to learn new things and explore new strengths. Adversely during a period of contraction, these people may feel bored, or as though their learnings are redundant.

And adversely, the same can be said about a period of contraction. It may be said that women and/or people who have expansion energetic signatures may either feel stifled, challenged, or perhaps they use this period to their advantage. I think that honestly, it can go either way.

So how to know if you’re an expansion or a contraction “person”. Sometimes our gender and our political parties may give us a clue. Again, divine masculine is typically men as well as more of a nationalist party. And divine feminine is more women with a globalist party. However, it’s important to note that just because you’re a woman or a man or identify as such, doesn’t mean that you automatically have more than one divine energy than the other. And also, we both have… both. It’s just a matter of which is more.

Otherwise, you may consider how and when you feel the most authentic, or like yourself. Is it more at home, and more matters of the self? Perhaps in a more rural area? Or are you more city-like? Do you enjoy being out and within your community, dealing with matters of others?

So what do we do with this information. My suggestion would be to of course, lean into your intuition, but consider what would be most valuable for yourself. If you are an expansion person, perhaps you use periods of expansion in order to use this clear channel to express your ideas more fully. Perhaps since this is an “easier” time for you, you’re gathering what you need to survive a period of contraction. Consider that this clear channel may make things overall quite easy for you. So what do you do with this information? Do you take advantage of it? Do you build up your strengths to coast through the next period of your life? The choice is yours. You may find that you even have better luck during your particular period, which may mean that purchases, business ventures, important decisions and milestones will have more weight or success than they would at another time. But granted, we are all working with multiple, personal timelines, so I wouldn’t look into this as much as it may seem. It’s just a good overarching guide to consider where exactly you fit in.

I feel that at the time that this post goes live, we have about 1-ish years left of expansion, and then we will move into a period of contraction. The last cycle of contraction was particularly rough, and I’m expecting that this one may be a bit easier. As a result, it may not feel that we are going through as severe of an energetic shift or change. Ideally, we will find more balance between these two cycles as a collective, which will make our energetic experience in this lifetime overall a bit less chaotic.


131. Demystifying Spells


129. You Know Everything You Need To Know.