129. You Know Everything You Need To Know.


I admit, this is one of my most controversial opinions for several reasons. But I do find it to be true, at any given moment, you know precisely what you need to know. So what are the roadblocks here?

On one hand, this is speaking to our level of intuition. To some level, we all have psychic ability for others around us. But to an infinite degree, we have intuition regarding our own self. Whether or not you deem it to be “psychic”, I think that we can all consider a time or two in our lives where we felt we should absolutely not do something. Whether or not this erupted in a potentially tragic circumstance, considering we are all still here alive, we can argue that intuition has lead us to fulfilling the destiny that we are living. Perhaps it’s not our entirely fantasized destiny, but a destiny which we have thus far been responsible for creating. While we cannot be responsible for everything that happens to us, we are solely responsible for our reaction in accordance to these things that happen to us, of course.

Aligning to your intuition can be challenging, and even scary at times. While I am looking to make a comprehensive guide on how to access or align to your intuition, there are in the meantime several different resources you can access online. Your intuition is the access that you have to your subconscious and your higher self. It goes “beyond” what you know deductively in the current moment. It’s perception, it’s truth, for you, at least. Sometimes it can come as knowledge and information, other times it’s a feeling. Perhaps in your gut, or even in your heart. But regardless, we typically always inherently know that it is our intuition. Even if sometimes anxiety gets in the way, in a fight or flight, do or die situation, it’s the opposite of thought. It just “is”. Try your best moving forward to not overthink when it comes to intuition. Consider that when you say you “feel” something, that’s likely intuition. But when you “think” something, that’s usually your mind overriding.

So why is accessing or aligning to your intuition scary? It depends. When we are living a life inauthentic to what is in our hopes and dreams, it can be very limiting. Very opposite of truth and our intuition. In order to align to our intuition, we often times need to “give up” many preconceived notions, or perhaps sometimes people, places and things in our physical world. Often times we are not really at liberty to do that. After all, if you’ve gone so long without using your intuition, it can be an incredible risk. Bu the catch is that… often times life tends to catch up with us regardless. And we never want to be in a position where we are just getting through life. A happy and fulfilled life is available to all of us. We just need to fix our current physical reality, as well as our perception value, to get us there. But know that it absolutely is possible.

So you may be saying to yourself… I’m super aligned to my intuition, but I still don’t have the perfect answers to the rest of my life? I think that there are two issues here. One is that we often times have multiple paths or multiple destinies in this lifetime, as we truly have free will. So sometimes the answers cannot be explained, because they’re simply not created yet. Other times, spirit guides can limit this guidance and advice because we are intended to go through surprise and delight moments. In other words, we do not truly need to know this information right now. If we look around and ask for signs, we can absolutely prepare ourselves for what’s coming next in terms of big milestones in our life. Or we can “feel” them coming. We often times override this with our conscious thought, or a projection of what we want to occur. But in actuality, it’s likely that some subconscious feelings have been brewing over time. In order to not be blindsided by these things, this is where the importance of intuition comes into play.

Note that this takes much practice. We are not expert intuitives over night. Look at taking small steps in regards to accessing and aligning to your intuition. For example, do non-risky activities related to your intuition. See where your feelings take you for a day. Act safely on impulse. Consider what is truly no longer serving you in this lifetime. The options are truly endless.

It can be incredibly frustrating, and you may want to cling on to any semblance of hope as you move forward in life. But remember, no one will have all of the answers for you. They will simply be able to provide you with what you need to know right now. Otherwise, you must meet them, and the universe half way.


130. Expansion Vs. Contraction & The Period Of Expansion


128. Procrastination & Avoidance