132. Combatting Fear
When we think about the fact that we are essentially always on a sliding scale from love to fear, we can argue that fear is… almost within anything and everything? If we so choose to illuminate it within that light. Perhaps everything in some way is two sides of a coin. One option or way to see it is out of love, and another one is out of fear. Every situation, or theoretically, every moment in the universe could arguably be one or the other. And perhaps, maybe, a combination or an ‘in between” of both.
I think that the definition of fear, as a result of this, can be sort of tricky. What… really is it? Perhaps one definition could be lack of wholeness. Lack of big picture. Lack of… integration or sense of oneness. Perhaps even lack of alignment. Or simply, as an easy answer, lack of love and what we feel love is. Fear is rejection, it’s avoidance, it’s projection of insecurities. It’s perpetually going against our intuition our subconscious and our higher self. Can fear as a result, be relative? Perhaps. I do believe that duality eventually dissolves ultimately, so theoretically, fear and love is… a perception value. However, I reckon that the collective generally aligns on some definitions of fear vs. definitions of love.
The largest or foremost issue with combatting fear is that, often times, we’re not aware of our fears. And even if we are aware of some, some have become so deeply repressed, that even if someone may ask us if there is something we may fear, we’re simply not aware of it. Or perhaps in some ways, we just psych ourselves out of it. I find that it’s a natural human defense mechanism, as being so over inundated with a line list of fears can be incredibly overwhelming. But this is particularly why it’s so important to start facing them as soon as possible.
It’s often times helpful to start saying to yourself affirmations. For example, I love myself, I am loved, I will achieve all of my dreams and desires, I am perfect, I am beautiful, etc. IF you start to feel any dissonance between saying any of these things, it’s likely that you may have a block up. Or something which is preventing you from receiving this type of love and abundance. Over time, we begin to attract negative energy from others, simply by the situations and positions that we put ourselves in. We ultimately become quite comfortable with the negativity or the discomfort, because part of us accepts it as fact/reality, or just an extension of us. Through societal conditions and the negative sayings and doings of others, we become sort of a “hub” for negativity in general. This is why it’s so important to proactively transmute energy. This process typically begins with acknowledging or accepting the negative energy, and then setting an intention to proactively transmute it. Sometimes this can be by facing the fear head-on through meditation, and other times it’s just seeking out positive experiences under the same concept or theme umbrella, rather than avoiding or rejecting these experiences altogether.
There are so many ways to combat fear, I’m not even sure where to begin. Once you’ve successfully acknowledged your fears through process of affirmation, or simply just by knowing or feeling them, then comes the stage of acceptance. It can be incredibly hard to admit our perceived “shortcomings”, but it’s okay. We are entirely human. In some instances, we may even be afraid of accepting these fears, as we may ultimately know the next step is facing them. So the both the acknowledgement and acceptance part can be particularly challenging. Know that although releasing negativity and fear may make you vulnerable to the outside world, rather than completely burying yourself in negativity, you can find other, external ways to protect yourself. This is of course a risk, but note that you can “create” whatever reality you desire. We often times feel not only powerless, but that our reality will not ever match out truest desires. This isn’t true. It just simply takes the universe time to bend to your will, and it’s not always in the precise physical manifestation you may expect ti to be. It’s important to remain flexible and open minded.
Simultaneously, I find that it’s incredibly important to “surrender” to the cause. Surrendering to energy is incredibly challenging. It may feel that we are lost, or almost that we’ve “died” in some ways. Many times, we tend to avoid aligning to our intuition because we are scared to know some inherent truths about ourselves. What if w hypothetically aligned to our best self, which means that we have to make a massive change in our daily life or physical reality. This may mean some type of losses, hard work, or major changes which we may feel at the time we’re not ready for. Remember that our dreams and desires are our truest ambitions, which means that we come onto this planet expecting that we will achieve them. The dissonance is simply our disbelief in ourself as well as these dreams. They come from somewhere, if we resonate with them. They’re simply not “made up”.
I find that aligning closer to spirituality allows for this lack of control to be diminished. Often times people do this in several different ways, including different types of meditations, experiences or even substances. The process of connecting with someone which is beyond perceived reality, or simply resonating with it, is giving up all of this ‘Control”. I find that psychics and mediums are particularly good at this. At first, it’s incredibly scary, but then it becomes second nature. When we realize that there is something beyond how we see ourselves in the mirror, we can fundamentally know and understand that as a result, connecting with the other side (or simply our intuition or higher self) isn’t scary.
The cruel irony is that when you are at a high vibration, you’re less likely to take on negative energy, because you have a much clearer channel in regards to your intuition and higher self. You authentically know yourself. So why does this matter? This means that anything that you attract which is negative, you’re more likely to release and let loose from your energetic body, because you have a fundamental understanding of what aligns to you, and what is serving you. As you “pack on” this negative energy, it becomes harder and harder to truly see who you authentically are. All of these negative “orbs” as I like to call them, provide an added on, warped perception value as to how we see ourselves, as well as the world. I find that one of the biggest contributors to this process is societal conditioning, and the enforcement of a standardized reality, which we must all abide by. But the truth is, you can warp and create your reality however you please. Again, it just takes time.
As. result, “moving” whether that’s mentally, emotionally or physically is often times one of the best approaches to get this party started. While it’s of course not great to be 100% on the move, so that you’re deflecting, distracting or not being aware of your own self, when you do have a lot of negative energy, this sort of gets it up and moving. You may as a result, start to become physically or mentally/emotionally uncomfortable. This is typically always a sign that things are “moving” within your energetic body. Things which want to get out or be transmuted. Discomfort is, while uncomfortable, granted, always a good sign of change, evolution and progress.
It can be really scary to face negative energy and fears. When we are in a hole, it’s practically impossible to see “the other side”. This is why it’s so important that we have different types of examples of what life can be through role models, TV shows, movies, news, social media, etc. Granted, there are tons of negative effects of all o these things, particularly when we feel so inclined to match our energetic state to others, it provides a really important purpose of knowing and understanding all of the options and opportunities which are out there. Getting yourself up from severe depression is no easy task. And the only thing that you have is hope. Likely you barely even have a vision, if that. But that hope and optimism, is theoretically all that you need, paired with your affirmations and intention settings. It’s important to acknowledge that energy moves and changes constantly. Nothing is ever final, nor set in stone. This is more proof that we construct our reality. Yes, there’s a risk that thins may get worse, but there’s always opportunity to get better, no matter what. Again, nothing, or no energetic value, is stationary. Nothing. And at the end of the day, always lean onto your spirit guides for help. Ask them to show you “signs” and meet them halfway. If you feel something is a sign, it likely is. And you can be as specific as you’d like. Spirit guides don’t always deliver information precisely as we may envision it, but the more you become accustomed with communicating with them, the better you’ll be at decoding messages.
Apologies if this was a bit rambling, I believe at the time I intended to have more of a bulleted list, but quite frankly, I forgot specifically what I wanted to include in this post, so I revisited based purely on intuition. I’m hoping this helps. Hang in there.