133. How To Use Fear For Good


I talk a lot about fear, so here’s some specific ways that you can use your fear (perceived as negative) for good (of course, perceived as positive).

I have many theories as to why we do things which are less than favorable, even in our own eyes. I feel that as a collective, we are all on a similar growth journey. On top of that, our successes and failures influence and impact others, despite our belief that they are all our own. 

When we silo ourselves with our own negativity, and reject and dismiss this negative energy and fear, we are in essence, alone. This negative energy only serves to destroy us. Cloudy our perception value creating a negative, false reality. As well as work against us through law of attraction. It in essence, does nothing for us. That’s why it’s so important to bring these fears up to the surface.

Society in general, I admit, likes to not only dismiss fear, but bring about shame to them. And often times when we present this type of fear to others, in some cases, others will use this as an opportunity to project their own, likely similar fears onto us.

It’s our job to ensure that the world is a safe space for us to discuss negative experiences and fear without judgment. While I understand that not only is commentary, but guidance and advice in a swift and impactful way important, the negativity and judgment of others is likely what leads us to reject this pain, suffering and fear in general.

While it may be challenging to provide others with the exact needed dosage of words and insight to allow others to share their fears, one can certainly provide a hospitable environment of holding space, to allow others to share. I’m sure you will note that some people have others “trauma dump” onto them, or something similar. It’s likely that they have a very approachable energetic state. While it’s not good to consistently receive so many stories of negative experiences, I feel that we should all strive to be somewhat energetically approachable, so that we can give back to holding space for the emotional labor that the collective needs to unload.

Additionally, by sharing your own experiences with negativity and fear, you allow for a safe space for others to come out. This is often times done on the internet, through social media, or communal groups. While one on one conversations are important, as it allows people to have intimacy and privacy, you can certainly reach the masses greater with these tools. When people perceive that others are going through the same struggles, it eliminates much of this fear, anxiety and shame surrounding negative experiences, allowing them to be processed.

Ensuring that you can safely hold these spaces for people is important, as well as ensuring that you do not cast judgment, nor project your own insecurities or wants, needs and desires onto the situation. This will allow the negative energy and fear from others rise to the surface. But then what?

Once this negativity and fear is on the surface of others/energetic bodies, it’s important to help create a safe space for others to heal or grieve, essentially whatever it takes to transmute this negative energy. I't’s also really important to be encouraging of others experiencing new options and opportunities. I find that this can be particularly hard for people, as it marks change and progress, which is often times triggering for people. They don’t mind hearing these stories, but when it comes to actually putting it in the past, this can be hard. I feel that one of the root causes of this is that many people whom we know in our lives are at a similar energetic vibration. When someone is substantially evolving out of this space, it can not only trigger others, but make them feel as though you may forget them, or become lost to them. Know that cycling in and out of friendships and relationships is a natural part of life. Although it can hurt, instead of seeing it as a threat or a triggering insecurity, use it to your advantage. This person’s positive energy is likely to rub off on you through webs of energetic connections. On top of that, they may have viable resources for you to use in the near future. Trust me. When people in your circle find success, it’s a good thing, and a good thing to keep them around. It ultimately always helps you. Don’t allow it to be a detriment.

To sum up this post, sharing and experiencing with others is the best way to use your fear for good. By contributing your fears, processes and successes with the world, it inspires and encourages others. It allows them to put their shame aside and “come out” of whatever fear-related hole they’ve been living in. If you’re afraid to tackle your fears head on, try sharing with a trusted source. And if you feel so bold, even strangers out there on the internet. Just ensure that you are prepared for commentary and feedback, since as we know, the internet can be an unkind place. But it’s a risk which may have much reward, as you have so much more opportunity to gain empathy and resonance.

If we are bold and audacious enough to bring our fears to the surface, we can use it as a tool to help others. Consider this as a part of your motivation to face them. You can help to bring others up to a more positive vibration, and a healthy place. Openness always allows for healing. Remaining stuck, stagnant and blocked off makes you impenetrable to energy, bad, but good as well. Consider freedom of thought and ideas to be one of your greatest weapons against fear in general. Consider which parts of this post or which ideas resonate with you. Perhaps there’s a group, channel, etc. that you can start in the future to be able to have support and support others with what they’re going through.


134. Is Truth A Concept?


132. Combatting Fear