135. The Gateway Process
Upon reviewing the Gateway Process documents, I was actually pretty unsurprised with what I found. Considering I’m already familiar with the realm of metaphysics, I was reasonably familiar with most of the findings. I was definitely pleasantly surprised with how not only open minded the concept and approach was, but how many practically all of the findings felt in alignment and I had virtually no disputes.
I did want to point out that many fo these concepts and themes have already been considered throughout conversations and literature, but of course, considering the context of the document itself, I was impressed with how expansive the topics covered. While much of it centered around central intelligence, there were certain aspects which were particularly. helpful for everyday folks.
For those unfamiliar, I would recommend reading. You can find the entirety of it online. For some brief context, the intention was to consider how consciousness could help improve or expand central intelligence. There’s been a lot of these considerations from intelligence agencies over time, and this one primarily focused on the “process” by which someone would go about doing this, through a type of transcendental meditation.
Rather than regurgitate, I’ll share the 3 most interesting or relevant parts relative to me, and hopefully others as well.
Accessing consciousness isn’t about repetition: I think that as a collective, we generally understand that perhaps some have more of a proclivity for accessing their intuition, but there’s a bit of mystery as to how this is done. Over time, it’s been clear to me that the way in which you access true resonation and intuition is through “giving up” your body, in a sense. In other words, being completely receptive. In a way, energy needs to “overtake” your body. This isn’t just for trance channeling (or in other words, when those allow spirits into their body to “talk”). I find that although it’s not so possessive, it’s a similar concept. Sort of humorously, the process language in particular used the word “uptight” as being part of a blockage from accessing consciousness. I find it particularly true that when you have lots of fears or reservations in regards to this process, you subconsciously block yourself. When you go in completely open-minded and limited in fear, that’s when you truly see great results. It’s kind of opposite as to how we enter into situations. Consider that you’re giving a presentation. How can you really affect how nervous or anxious you are? And if it’s not a presentation, consider something else. Our defense mechanisms in essence, protect us. But it seems that the exact opposite is needed to truly reach this enhanced and enlightened state. I kind of feel like it’s an adventure. If you’re a ladder and you need people to follow you to collect information (as a psychic would metaphorically do), are you choosing people who are fearless? Or ones that have reservations from the start. This journey into consciousness isn’t unlike another physical journey that you may take. If you are afraid, you will never successfully run the course. While I find that every person’s journey is unique and therefore no one faces the same fears, there’s definitely a correlation regarding facing fears in real life, as well as facing them spiritually. Consider sitting down with yourself and feeling out… what do you truly fear? Sometimes it’s obvious, and other times it’s not. Consider the rolodex method where you sort through lots of different options. What do you have a visceral reaction to? This will likely give you a clue as to what you’re afraid of. And just to clarify, repetition doesn’t necessarily mean practice. I do feel that you can make lengthy strides with practice. But after practicing meditation so many times, it’s clear that with no improved results, something else is going on.
Using colors as a healing technique and tool: I was so pleasantly surprised when I read the passage regarding the “living body map”. I also love how this was included as an important finding, as it really is distanced from central intelligence, and it’s more related to each and every person in regards to physical, mental and emotional healing. Essentially, it states that since the body is made of energy, and color is energy, you can, through visualization or otherwise, use color as a tool to heal certain areas and aspects of your body. This is actually something that I have done for quite a while. Whenever I have a pain point, I sort of intuitively picture the area and allow my mind to visualize different colors. Typically when I have a pain point, it shows up as red, yellow, orange or even a grey-ish mixture of a bunch of different colors. When I don’t have any pain or I have a clear channel, typically it’s streams of green and blue. So through intention, I try to dissolve and remove these old colors, and replace them with brighter, more vibrant colors. In particular, green and blue. I think that it will be up to each person to consider which colors they feel work best, but so long as it feels good, it can’t hurt. Although I’m certified in Reiki, color isn’t largely used in this practice, or at least in the particular denomination of Reiki. Primarily it’s just about the concept of adding and removing positive or white light energy. There are also different symbols, tools, etc. But again, color is not so much used. I think this could be for a few reasons. I feel that perhaps some people have different color “needs” than others, which makes it not so much a one size fits all practice, which can be challenging to implement, particularly for those who are more “by the book”. I think that the main sentiment here is that… this is intention setting, visualization and manifestation which is so incredibly easy. You can do it even before you go to bed at night. And it doesn’t hurt. If you really are going through a tough time, or are having pain within your body, why not give this a try? I think that a lot of times we expect that there are so many external things which will heal us, that we’re not totally thinking about what we can do for ourselves to heal our own selves. If there’s anything that the placebo effect teaches us, it’s that this is possible. I have an interesting feeling that as a whole, this type of color theory is going to become more important or just more pervasive as time goes on.
Reality holograms: It’s hard to sort of sum up this passage, because it’s related to how essentially we are living in a hologram, or a matrixed reality. Essentially, it’s stating that our own singular consciousness is responsible for manifesting or creating our reality. This is incredibly similar, if not precisely the same as intention setting, manifestation and law of attraction. More specifically, it states that our desires can become reality, since we are consciousness, and consciousness is the source of our reality. Our thoughts have true purpose and meaning, and that as we spread them out into the universe, they will boomerang back, or be mirrored back. What I found the most funny was that there was a small excerpt talking about how if you do this drastically enough, it may uproot your reality and have dire consequences. I do like how in general, this is not just related to the collective as a whole, and specifically related to intelligence, but this has lots of really positive impact and influence for the every day human being. I think that this particular section is pretty clear, and there are lots of resources online available to help with your unique process of manifestation and intention setting. I think that overall it’s a great reminder that our reality is skewed and warped based on our own thoughts, feelings and emotions. And it can absolutely be changed.