136. How Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Problems Manifest Physically
One of the first intuitive insights I ever had was how inter-connected our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual energies were, and are.
Our energetic resonance is like this giant web. Not only does it go beyond us, as we know ourselves in this physical lifetime, but it spans outward to past, present and future lives. Perhaps even parallel ones. There’s really no stopping the limits of our energetic boundaries, and I find it to be such a profound concept, that it’s hard for me to even wrap my head around it. Does the limit exist? And yes, that was a “Mean Girls” reference.
So I suppose the question is, why are all of these things inter-connected? In essence, all of it is “us”, and it’s hard to create boundaries or put up walls between all of the different versions or aspects of ourselves. Despite us not wanting issues or problems within our energetic body, one could hypothetically assume that when we have an issue, and it does span all of these things, theoretically we would be a clear energetic channel, as we are not proactively blocking this energy from moving to different parts or places.
I think that as a society, we have sort of a “witchy” concept regarding the relationship between all of these things. However, it’s simply not true. When we consider the placebo effect, or the fact that mentally and emotionally, we can “create” physical issues within our body, particularly due to stress, the connection is incredibly scientific and valid. Yet, we see them as so incredibly separate. It’s no secret that people who “feel” good, tend to physically treat themselves as such, and vice versa.
When I read energetic “blockages” on people’s bodies, or in other words, when I “feel” that there are issues, it simply just feels like old, negative, stuck and stagnant or “trapped’ energy. It feels that there is no flow. That there’s a bunch of energy which “refuses” to leave. In essence, part of our being is keeping it there. Now this isn’t to say that the human body isn’t incredibly inter-connected. I wouldn’t recommend that we look at these issues one dimensionally, but remember that all energy has intention at the end of the day. Where this energy chooses to exist on our body, is certainly on purpose.
So what’s the correlation between pain, issues and ailments and different areas of our body? It’s a good question and there can be lots of answers. At a very high level, top of the body is more associated with divine feminine, or more abstract and spiritual matters, and adversely is the bottom of the body. And simultaneously, the left side of our body is our “spiritual” side, and the right is our physical side. And then kind of everything in between can be laddered up to a chakra, or otherwise simply an overarching concept or theme. Typically issues with legs are more to do with grounding, and issues with hands and arms can be issues with extension. Consider that hands “hold” things, so do you have an issue with holding on to things or letting go, if you have an issue with your hands? Everything is theoretically, metaphorical.
Say for example, we’re incredibly stressed. We ultimately “create” this energy in some way shape or form, or energy comes to us and we refuse to release it and let it go. This energy can “travel” to a place where it’s being trapped. Typically it’s in the head/neck and shoulders area. For various different reasons, we refuse to let go of this energy, and it remains there. It truly only leaves with the power of intention, or by proactively, physically working on it. Or simply, some combination of all of these things.
This is why it’s really important to do full body movements and exercises. It sort of ensures that energy is flowing from top to bottom and vice versa. Something like jumping jacks or full body exercises and stretches is a great way to release energy.
It’s kind of interesting to think about the incredibly “random” parts of your body which feel pain or get hurt. While we perceive these areas to potentially have some type of physical weakness, it’s likely that they have a mental or emotional one, as well. Maybe it’s not incredibly obvious to consider a pin point on our body to have major spiritual meaning, but considering this web, every single part of our bodies is responsible for something. Even if it’s simply holding one or more things together, and those “things” have important meaning. It would be particularly interesting to do a body map, as a result.
It’s important to note that there are several Eastern medicine modalities, such as Reiki, which can help to provide energetic release. Reiki essentially “moves” energy which is stuck and stagnant. It aims to release it, and then upon releasing, replace with “source” or more positive energy.
At this point in the post you may be thinking… why would people not want to release energy? Again, a question with several answers. Often times we tend to do harm to our bodies by over inundating it with “bad” things. And by the way, these “bad” things do not fall under a finite list. It’s simply what we do and do not align with personally here in this lifetime. Say for example, we were eating several things which we felt intuitively were bad for our heart. Perhaps psychologically, we had a warped relationship with love. This is used as a defense mechanism to “keep out” other energies. When we physically realize that we have a problem, it may be “too late” to do anything, because we have gone so far down this road, that we’re unable or unwilling to make a change. Consider this to be a prophetic message. We can always “change” our energetic state, and typically our level of pain, so long as we are willing to not only bear the brunt of the responsibility, but to change our actions and behaviors moving forward. It’s all about willingness and intent.
It can be incredibly challenging not only to take self-responsibility, but also to make a proactive effort to change going forward. Some people, to be honest, are not willing and able to do that. And as a result, they tend to suffer from whatever it is they are going through, whether that be mental, emotional or physical.
As cliche as it may sound, the best relief of these issues, is the concept or hope and optimism, at the end of the day.
It’s important to note that any and all healing modalities have a place in our lives. I am not anti-science, and I am not pro only spirituality. I feel that so long as things are working, and we, as a human race are moving forward, I have absolutely no qualms about treatment, so long as it’s not negatively energetically impactful to the point that it does more harm than good.
We may not all have the conscious answers we’re looking for to “heal” ourselves, but when we start to know and understand that we are so incredibly inter-connected, I believe we become more intuitive and aware, and see things from a slightly different perspective. All of this information is not to over inundate people, but to provide them with more options and a sense of control. I truly believe that there is always more than one way to heal.