138. Fixating On Your Problems May Be Your Downfall


I think that in general we can rationalize that fixations are never good. But why?

You know… I’m honestly not entirely sure. But perhaps so much focus on one particular thing is just too much over inundation of energy. And it’s incredibly likely that as a result, this isn’t positive inundation, but negative. I think that when we focus so hard on something, it leans less like love, and more like control. If we consider the energy of love, it’s incredibly pervasive and free. And fixation is incredibly pointed, and silo’d. There’s not a whole lot of “room” to allow energy to exist. Or more importantly, for it to change, twist and evolve. It’s sort of conceptually how we often times tell people that as we “forget” about things, in some cases, they have a way of working themselves out.

This type of fixation and control is not only suffocating energy, but I reckon that we have a tendency of perhaps not making the best choices when we lack perspective. So we may ultimately make decisions which go against our intuition overall.

But let’s talk about something in particular, say it’s a particular problem. We know that physical manifestations, or physical things, always ladder up to one or more overarching concepts or themes, which are typically spiritual. Our physical reality is such a deduced, fractaled element of a higher intention, state of being, or purpose.

So when we fixate on one particular thing which is a physical manifestation, we’re sort of losing the point. And on top of that, depending on what it is, will likely not last forever, as it’s a part of our physical world, after all. In essence, we’re sort of fixating on the symptom, and not the root cause. And this is truly, the biggest problem.

It can be easy to fixate on physical things, for so many reasons. Perhaps we’re in pain. Perhaps we’re in a do or die situation, or something desperately needs our attention, and only we can answer it. There’s a lot of “pressure” in certain areas and aspects of our lives. And while it is true that certain physical things do need our attention rapidly, I find that this is usually the opposite of fixation. Fixation tends to be something which is lingering, unresolved. Perhaps in general, something that we’re avoiding doing, or facing.

But the issue is, if we avoid facing the root cause, we will just continue to perpetuate the same issues and problems, just in slightly different forms. How often have you heard of people continuing to attract the same romantic partners. Learning lessons just loop each other until we proactively break the loop. Theoretically, we’re in a constant state of a self-fulfilling prophecy, until we have enough consciousness interjection to change it. Sort of how like our matrix keeps perpetuating itself, and it’s only our doing which changes it. 

At a certain point, we become so consumed with specific physical manifestations and certain fixations, that we fail to see the bigger picture ahead of us, or even other perspective around us. We have virtually no perspective, at all. And then ultimately, through some way shape or form, these physical manifestations at some point, dissolve, leaving us ever more confused, and hoping that it won’t show up again. But the truth is, it does. Because again, whatever energy we’re putting out there into the universe, through law of attraction, comes back to us. We really need to transmute this energy, stop this loop, and be the change that we want to see, in order to stop not only fixations, but negative experiences in general. Now of course, this isn’t a guaranteed resolution, nor is it a one size fits all policy, but if there’s anything that you can take away from this post, it’s the “release” of fixations energetically, the broadening of vision, the taking back of a perspective, and knowing that we will continue to perpetuate fixation loops, until we resolve the underlying issue or condition. Consider the theme of your fixations, and your problems. Do you notice any repeating patterns? Take a stab at journaling, and see what comes up. I often times find that even just being self-aware, is enough to really get this ball rolling in terms of making progress. It sends a message to the universe that you are open and willing to change.


139. How To Make Advancements & Progress


137. How To Unblock Yourself