140. How To Manifest
Now, before I get into this post, I just want to clarify that this is an incredibly expansive declaration. Of course, to make “true” physical, tangible process, it’s likely that you may need to be an expert in your field. But what I’d like to talk about is collective process, philosophical process. The way we “work”, see believe and dream process. Who is in charge of that? And who is pushing it forward?
Well, one could argue that all of us are. We are all constantly taking in information and expressing it and executing it outward. Mental/emotional energy in and physical energy outward. Or… some sort of combination of all of these things. After all we do eat and sympathize with others. So it can go both ways.
I think that often times we… sort of forget our goals high level. Yes, it’s true that culturally, spiritually and even politically we set “goals” for ourselves as a collective, but I don’t feel it’s ever that… expansive. During any given moment, we are very much wrapped up in not only ourselves, but the present. But more importantly, we take things too much at face value. We never really question, “why”? And additionally, we’re quick to blame others, but not so quick to acknowledge the personal responsibility leading up to that point. I always like to remind people that how you act and behave in the world is a direct representation or mirror of your own, true self in this lifetime. Or at least how you’re feeling at a given moment.
I like to consider this topic in this way: We have advanced so much and so quickly as a society. And although we are quite good with repeating patterns. For example, we teach history, and we’re aware of fluctuations in several areas and aspects of life. The stock market, the weather, even pandemics. But the issue is that we’re simply basing our perspective and perception value off of recent repeated results. We are never quite… going back far enough tor really examine the origin or meaning as to why things are the way they are. We’re kind of only looking at the last step right behind us. But what’s true is that, from the bottom up, the rest of these stairs tell a story. Not just the one that we can readily see. We have build from a foundation, which we’re often times neglecting in regards to importance.
Metaphorically, this is essentially talking about how anything and everything evolves from “source”. Some people may see this as god, but I simply see this as an atom in the creation of the universe. We can deduce practically anything down incredibly simplistically. But we are incredibly complicated beings. We tend to complicate our whole lives, and as a result, we often times overcomplicate all of our problems. What if the true answer to our problems was so much simpler than we perceive. We need to get back to the root of these issues, vs. fixating and exacerbating the symptoms. Allowing ourselves to be consumed with shame and guilt, which just more so perpetuates lack of responsibility of even acknowledgement and acceptance. It’s time to get back to basics.
As our society evolves incredibly rapidly, and in fact, exponentially, it’s much harder to find value and importance in the past. We’re almost always ready for the future, and we’re living “quicker” lives than ever before. But as a result, it’s so incredibly important to ground ourselves in this structured reality. If not for anything, to just have a frame of reference.
So how do we do this? The first part of this process is unwinding conditioning. In other words, we must face every problem and obstacle in an incredibly new and unexpected way. We essentially need to pretend that we know nothing about it. And you may be thinking… how on earth would that possibly help? You must for sure know something about what you’re trying to achieve in order to understand it or advance it. I bring a counter argument regarding intuition. Those who channel and retain intuition come to conclusions based on little to no physical evidence. They just simply resonate or have a feeling, and often times, this feeling is correct, whether it’s happening now or in the future. We can often times “foreshadow” events based on incredibly subtle patterns which may only be perceptive to us. While it’s still deductive, it’s accessing a level of our own intuition to put together the pieces, when another observer may not be able to. Let’s think about the creation of our world today. It’s not a surprise nor a secret that many discoveries were contributed by accidents. Or people looking for something entirely different. On top of that, we can credit many scientific discoveries to metaphysical basis, such as astrology. Things build on each other from unexpected circumstances, or simplistic, or random, or irrelevant circumstances. Yet we don’t ever really value this process. We just sort of say… it’s completely random and it’s a mystery. It’s not a mystery. We allow time and space and intuition to work its magic, and we have a result. I’m sure that you can relate to the fact that what you need most in your life often times comes to you, whether that’s a wish, a desire or a manifestation, when you’re hardly looking. It goes back to why it’s important not to “fixate” on things. You ultimately make yourself a clear channel. You aren’t obsessed with results, and you aren’t driving all of the control. You simply let energy be, and you observe.
If we want to move forward with our understanding of the universe, we must drop all preconceived notions. We must pretend that the thing in itself is not as it appears. Perhaps that it’s not even real. Or that nothing we know about it is true. And then, we can re-engineer this particular topic or theme with the way that it should be. Cutting out all of the bullshit. Cutting out all of the “additives” that we’ve created along the way. We understand it for what it truly is.
I wonder if perhaps we, in a way, don’t want to access this truth. I wonder how people would take it, or what it would do to people. Otherwise, there would be no reason not to, right?