141. Intuitive Eating


I’m positive that at this point, you’ve at least heard of the term “intuitive eating”. Without doing extensive research, I would have to imagine that there are several different ways that you can approach intuitive eating, as well as potentially different levels of guidelines which you’re asked to adhere to. While I may not be speaking on behalf of what intuitive eating parameters there are out there, I can speak to how I perceive intuitive eating in particular.

I feel that intuitive eating is more so about following your intuition and your “gut” feeling in regards to the foods and beverages that you consume. It’s relatively challenging to adapt to this new way or style of thinking. And for good reason. Many times we are inhibited by what foods we have access to. Whether that be environmental, financial, due to our schedule constraints, and even just preference of food (which I find to be important). I do truly believe that we generally like particular types of foods because they work best for our body. The only caveat is that sometimes when we’re in a particularly negative energetic state, we often times use food to maintain our current energetic experience, and therefore it may not be entirely “good” for us to choose certain foods intuitively, if we want to break the loop or get out of this rut. However, with that said, over time when we really align and trust our intuition, I feel that this process gets a bit easier.

I think a lot of people have serious doubts about intuitive eating because from their perspective, they suddenly abandon a rigid schedule or diet of certain foods which has been incredibly misaligned or restrictive, and as a result of this new found control or freedom, they sort of panic and revert back to a very vulnerable or scared point or place and being, and tend to over compensate by either overeating or simply eating bad foods. I would highly recommend not putting yourself in a position, unless necessary, where you’re being overly restrictive and you have limited control over your diet. I think that as a society we have realized that this… doesn’t end well. And the likelihood of this manifesting into a different issue or problem through binging, is quite likely.

So what I want to emphasize that the above paragraph is not intuitive eating, it’s simply your body reacting to a sudden change in diet. If and when you truly get to a place where you are in much more alignment with your intuitive eating, I find that it’s more consistent, paced and beneficial for you. It’s just that this process can take some time, and perhaps can even be daunting. I think that at times we consider that our health, nutrition, diet, etc. is sort of a singular element or aspect of our life, and that other things do or do not influence it. But everything is truly inter-connected. This is why I feel that intuitive eating isn’t just simply… intuitive eating. It’s really an entire lifestyle or rebrand of yourself which proactively focusing on being more in alignment with your higher self or your authentic self.

The entire concept or goal of intuitive eating is one, to ensure that what you’re putting in your body s in alignment with what you need at that current point and place in time, and two, to continue to prioritize how you feel at a given moment rather than overriding with what you think would be particularly helpful at that moment in time. Again. This really isn’t a perfect process, as sometimes it’s just not attainable to go off of your current schedule. However, I feel that often times, there are ways to sneak in intuitive eating into your daily life. Whether that’s more time to consider decisions, more options in place to consider what you want, or just more thoughtfulness in general regarding what you’re putting into your body.

While it can potentially be daunting to have so much choice and be trapped in the cycle of making last minute decisions, I think there are certain hacks to make this process easier. For example, you may not find it realistic to choose at the moment before every meal precisely what you want, but you can plan more thoughtfully day of or even week of. I also acknowledge that when you meal prep for others, this can also be challenging. Another idea is potentially preparing food in a certain way. Maybe you spend a little more time on it, or you use better ingredients, etc. I feel like there are lots of unique ways to spice up your routine. I think that’s also partially a key. When we become so stuck and rigid in a routine, we sort of fail to see an alternate perspective. We fail to look in from the outside and know or understand what habits or behaviors are serving us. It’s good to shake things up now and again.

Remember that the way that you eat currently sustains who you are. This is often times a positive thing, but it can be a negative thing. If you’re looking to get to a different place in your life or “transform”, you may want to prioritize switching up your eating routine. Whether that’s times, duration, frequency, type, etc. Again, lots of ways to shake things up a little bit. While it can be a little bit intimidating to start, consider what you’ve always wanted to do. Personally, I’ve always been really interested in more exotic foods. Consider that if you have a general interest, it’s likely that these wants and desires are leading you to a better place. Now of course, it’s important to discuss any and all dietary changes with your doctor, and ensure that you’re taking care of yourself if you do have any allergies, limitations, or other health issues which are structured by diet.

The intention is to never vilify foods, but to ensure that they are working as hard as they can for you. And sometimes that means eating “bad” foods. I like to think that our overall health isn’t just physical. it’s spiritual and emotional as well. If a certain food reminds us of good times or our past, that’s an incredibly valuable experience for us.

In terms of types of foods, I generally feel that different types of foods can energetically help us in different ways. As an overall consensus, I feel that the following 3 food groups serve us energetically in the following ways:

  • Meat: Meat is generally a suppressor of energy. It’s often times why we may feel tired or lethargic when consuming larger quantities. It can help curb out of control feelings, or “push down” energies which we’re unwilling or not wanting to rise to the surface. It can also theoretically help ground us. Meat is a food group which tends to take on the energy of the living being it’s form, so you may be mixing lots of different energies in your body. As an alternate view, it can be a “shake up” of consuming lots of different energies at once. By eating lots of different meats at once, you may unintentionally feel a bit chaotic or out of sorts with your own energetic field. Theoretically, meat eaters can help process and transmute energy. But it’s likely challenging for those who are sensitive to energy to eat meat.

  • Carbs: Carbs are generally an energetic binder. I feel this is often times why we like carbs when we have hangovers, or even when we need to “releases” something. Carbs may energetically have the ability to latch on to something, making it more tangible to let go of. When eaten in intuitive amounts, or amounts suited for our energetic bodies, it can actually be quite helpful in releasing old, negative and stagnant energy. When eaten in larger amounts, it has the ability to simply stick to our energetic body, or our positive elements or aspects. When in a negative vibrational state, it can be particularly energetically dangerous to pack on carbohydrates, because this negative energy can remain stuck and sort of go “unseen”, and more challenging to release later.

  • Fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables, particularly fruits are sort of catalysts or clear channels for energy. This is typically why those who eat a larger diet of vegetables and fruits, or only vegetables and fruits, tend to be smaller in size. Energy runs right through them. Please stay tuned for an extra paragraph regarding weight as a whole (as a disclaimer). If you are looking to change your life drastically, or start escalating your timeline quickly, or for whatever reason, simply processing energy quicker, you’ll want to prioritize eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Ironically, this is often times why people poop a lot when eating lots of fruits and vegetables (lol).

    There are no bad foods. There are simply foods which do things differently, and serve a purpose energetically. The concept of physical weight in general has a purpose. IT’s quite literally energetic weight that we’re holding onto. And sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad. It’s really up to you whether or not you want to keep it. But from a spiritual perspective, weight is not bad or good. It just… is. The only thing I would discourage people from doing is gaining a lot of weight and then losing a lot of weight over and over again in short periods of time. That can cause energetic whiplash, and may be sort of traumatizing.

Hopefully this serves as an introductory or helpful guide. While it’s certainly not a plan, it’s just some thoughts on considerations. You may want to look into some programs or processes for intuitive eating, if you’re interested. But I find that these ideas and practices can likely be integrated into your daily routine without any hard and fast rules. My advice is just to keep trying and see what works for you.


142. How To Dismantle A Life


140. How To Manifest