146. Can The Mandela Effect Be Explained By Energy?
I sort of laugh at the Mandela effect, because it’s not really something I would ever worth noting. By that I mean I guess… it’s not exactly plaguing society. In fact, I think it has more value in being a mystery. But upon being asked, here are a few witchy hypothetical reasonings for the Mandela effect.
Theory one is related to the fact that we’re simultaneously existing within several different timelines and dimensions. In other words, we only experience time as it exists in this dimension. But outside of this dimension are several other dimensions with their own timelines. In fact, many of them are like or are similar to earth. This sort of coincides with the idea that you exist in several like dimensions doing something slightly different. Although I don’t think it’s that “obvious” and siloed, for whatever reason it’s quite popular. Anyway, as a result of being a part of all of consciousness, as well as the likelihood that our fractaled parts are even existing in these dimensions, therefore they’re a stronger part of us, we’re likely tapping into several like dimensions which may or may not have similar naming conventions and/or thoughts and ideas. In other words, we may be unintentionally tapping into a like timeline where the perceived Mandela effect is actually true.
Theory two is that we are all part of one, strong consciousness. In other words, our intelligence and what we know is ultimately shared by the larger collective. There’s a lot of interesting phenomenons which give credit to this theory. So, if one or more people on the globe share an incredibly strong energetic link with a particular person, place or idea (say, something which is relevant to the Mandela effect), that energetic connection is incredibly strong. Another person on the other hand, may have a very weak connection with it, meaning their memory is not as good. However the person who had this incredibly strong energetic connection remembers it vividly, but just slightly different, since the importance of energy is more about the “feeling” versus the precise details. Perhaps this person, and several other people, solidify this memory. Asa. result, they “etch” into our class consciousness what their perception of the memory is. And when others around the globe go to tap into this collective “memory” or information, we are actually pulling the incredibly strong energetic resonance that another person has gathered on behalf of all of us. To sum it up pretty directly, we all share consciousness. One person has a distinct memory. So since others do not care about it as much as this person, their memory is linked to the stronger one. They tap into this memory. We all share the memory. I find that in some ways, we all look for connections within others. This is why we share our own stories, listen to others, and have levels of sympathy and empathy.
As a kind of interesting addition, and maybe sort of a “2B”, we have the ability to rewrite our memories. So if we see a TikTok, for example, which is stating that something we had considered to be a sure thing, or more importantly, an “obvious” thing, after several different impressions of this “memory rewiring”, we can easily reframe our memories to match this narrative. Since it’s not the intention of our memories to be perfect, when we recall memories, it’s likely that we don’t remember everything 100%. As we go throughout life, we experience more impressions which sort of override our preconceived thoughts and notions. It’s sort of like building a under layers of brick over a foundation. How do you really know what the foundation looks like anymore? You may default to an “obvious” description of the impression.
But point being… it doesn’t really matter. You can improve your memory overall by sharing more fo a stronger energetic connection with the people, places and things around you. Or the information you’re trying to remember. But ask yourself… is it even worth remembering? Anyways, hopefully the Mandela Effect isn’t mind control and I’m throwing you all off, but I feel very lighthearted about it when I channel it. So. I doubt it :)