145. How To Read Tarot In Less Than A Minute
Ok, maybe the title is a tad bit of clickbait. But here me out…
I personally feel that you can intuitively read ANYTHING. Literally. You could even read a white or black piece of paper, if you wanted to. However, you would of course have to meditate and project your own intuitive thought s and feelings onto it. I suppose it’s sort of counter intuitive (pun intended), since the point is you’re supposed to “read” something with your own eyes. But the point still stands.
I actually prefer to read imagery which isn’t tied to traditional tarot meanings. I’ll be honest, reason being is because I am totally not versed in the traditional meanings of tarot. I do have a lot of respect for traditional tarot readings, and in some ways, I feel quite bad when I do end up reading tarot (although I don’t do it professionally), because I feel like a bit of a fraud. But the truth is, these are methods of divination, no? I find that the cards would not discriminate if the users were truly and authentically trying to glean messages from them. So you certainly don’t need to be perfect. And I feel that the best tarot readers inject their own intuition onto the cards, which is something that cannot be learned from a guide book.
I’ve posted one or two tarot videos in the past, and they were met with very intense results. People are very strict and stringent with how tarot cards should be read. And I get it. It is an art form which shouldn’t be disrupted. But the truth is, you can really use anything and everything to read messages for yourself and others. I once made a joke that I could use my oven/stove top as a form of tarot. In that instance, using the 4 burners as 4 different types of messages. Personally, I was thinking mothers side/fathers side and spiritual/physical. I actually read auras in quadrants so to be honest, it made sense!
Anyway. Point being. I feel that we can use anything and everything to read for ourselves and others. In terms of divination, that is. Including just ourselves. We incarnate onto this planet, and anything and everything is for use by us. Of course, there are some limits and expectations, but it’s more so about the overarching concept and idea. We should never discourage others from using divination or spiritual items/objects in their own way. Perhaps there are some morally objectionable issues if they are using it to harm themselves or others. But personalized? No way. There’s nothing wrong with that, in my opinion.
So here’s what i recommend doing.
Find an image or an item which inspires you. Again, this could really be anything, but something with a lot of different “elements”, whether that be any number of properties (I like to go visual, since tarot is visual) will do.
Simply sit and “be” with this object. Pretend you know nothing about it. You have never seen it before, even if you have. The idea is to make it an authentic conduit for energetic information, or limit any obstructions or preconceived notions that you may have.
Figure out what draws your attention first. This may be a particular element on the image or object. Whatever just “sticks out” to you. That’s what you will want to narrow in on first.
Consider what you glean from it, or how it makes you feel. Say I’m attracted to a part of an image I’m looking at. What is inspiring me? Is it the color? The shape? Perhaps I recognize it in some way shape or form, and it triggers a different memory or idea. Try to uncover the value or the importance. What’s the “point”?
Circle back. Now that you’ve understood the point of the particular element, how does it tie back to you, or the person you’re trying to read? How can you connect the dots? Consider that everything has an overarching concept or theme. Perhaps the particular physical manifestation of it is different, but what does it “remind” you of? You may have different interesting memories or experiences pop into your head. Know that when you set the intention to do a reading, anything and everything is relevant regarding a message.
It can be challenging to get out of your own head, and reading takes practice. Now so much practicing reading over and over again (although I do find that subtle nuances are learned over time), but more so “letting go” of any and all preconceived notions, as well as being incredibly open and vulnerable in the universe. It can be challenging to overcome any fears, or not wanting to know. This I find, is the biggest obstruction to intuition alignment. Trust is truly like 90% of intuition. Even if something doesn’t resonate at a precise moment, it doesn’t mean it’s false or untrue. Consider that even if you’re not getting an answer to a specific question, doesn’t mean that it’s unimportant. I feel that good questions and answers are guided, with room allowed for expansion and free will.