15. What Do Our Physical Features Say About Our Personality?
My idea that our physical appearances reflect our spiritual selves at this point and place in time is quite controversial. To be honest, most people are uncomfortable with that fact. I think part of the reason why this is the case is because we feel pitted against a beauty standard and have a warped perception that our appearances mean that we are spiritually “good” or “bad” or “aligned” and “misaligned”. Although alignment can sometimes be the case, all of our physical appearances are perfect. It’s just that society has deemed otherwise.
What I find fascinating is that our likes and dislikes regarding physical appearance change and evolve over time. Even if it’s not bodies or facial features, fashion and beauty trends come in and out of style. Does this correlate to what the collective is liking and interested in that time? Probably. Note that often times differences in physical appearances can be broad but also nuanced. After all, we are all humans and take on similar features. Although different cultures are similar due to proximity and environmental factors, it’s interesting that those who look alike often have similar traits. I don’t think these concepts are mutually exclusive.
The common argument against this is that genetics are the only factor in deciding what a person looks like. Even those who are spiritual claim that our body is simply a vessel and does not correlate to who we are. But this is directly in contrast with law/laws of intention which state that all energy is intelligent and has intention. If a person is being created, every aspect of them is created with intention, including their physical appearance. Even if our physical appearance does not dictate who our soul is, it certainly tells a story of our current state in this point and place in time. Consider the different experiences that those on earth have. Those who abide by conventional beauty standards have a very different experience than someone who does not. Those who have a different color of skin or facial features aligned to a specific ethnic group have different experiences than others. To say that we have intention with our lives on this planet but do not consider parts of our physical appearance are speaking without scope of the situation.
This isn’t to say that every single part of ourselves has significant spiritual meaning. Some may be more impactful than others. For example the color of your skin or the size of your body would be more impactful than a millimeter difference in the size of your nose. However I still feel it is all intentional. Without intention of energy there would be nothing. So why do we negate this intention in this scenario?
The idea that our facial features and expressions correspond to different soul or personality traits is nothing new. Other cultures have their own perception of what these mean. At the end of the day it’s up to you to consider how you perceive certain physical traits and align them to your soul or personality.