164. Fake Realities Will Be Our Downfall
I suppose this may be a controversial statement, but hear me out. We exist in one reality, however that reality is very much skewed to our perception value. The challenge of life is really… aligning to this perception value in a way that benefits us, but other people as well. Sometimes it needs to shift, change and flux to get what we want, and to provide other people with what they want. I’m sure we’ve all experienced times when we were too silo’d in our own zone, or had blinders on. And sometimes we bend too much to other people’s will. I can safely say that as a channeler who sifts through other people’s perception values, we are all incredibly different. It’s sort of a miracle that we all co-exist and reasonably get along. But I suppose we do have one mutual aligned purpose. In some way, we all want to be happy. And we wall want to fulfill and hopefully extend our life. We may get tripped up on some of the details, but it’s amazing that it’s enough to keep us all going in a reasonable amount of unison.
I consider that our consciousness exists as an entity, and matrixed reality exists as one as well. Consciousness essentially exists after we die, and it’s really our “soul” and spirit. And the matrix is a physical reality. It only exists at this point and place in time. We sort of bounce back and forth from consciousness to matrix in this strange ping pong game. We see something in the matrix, it affects our conscious thinking and vice versa. It’s a big, long game that we play over time. And hopefully, we can work to bend the matrix to our conscious will. There’s may people who strive to get back to “simpler times”. More minimalism. Amongst ourselves, we tend to all argue on how to do that. However I don’t feel that it’s progress, cities, luxury goods and items, or really anything else. I think that it’s alternate realities. Or fake realities. These can be video game metaverses, social media universes, news or community universes, or even universes that we create in our own minds. They don’t necessarily need to be external. However external ones are seemingly taking over. So what’s the problem with them existing?
Theoretically nothing, but the issue comes with access and realism. Quite literally anyone, even a child can “live” in an alternate world. While it’s true that they can exist in both, it’s becoming easier to cross these two worlds. After all, there are some people who make a living existing out of both at the same time. So long as our basic needs are covered, we could hypothetically spend every other second of time in an alternate virtual world. What’s troubling is how realistic these worlds are in such a way that they really can take the place of our current physical reality. Now, I’m not here saying that it’s bad for the sake of it being bad, and that you should live life. I think that’s kind of assumed, but it’s not really the issue. When we add in layers of extra or alternate realities, our ping pong game suddenly got way more complex. Now we have multiple other options for our ping pong ball to bounce off from. This seamless or “simple” back and forth becomes much more complicated. The ball can get lost, the path or pattern can get skewed, and now we’re juggling all of these realities. And what happens when you’re aware of, existing in, or struggling with multiple realities, you lose sense of where your consciousness begins and ends, as well as the “real” reality that we’re living in. It overcomplicates the process in a way that we become more and more removed from the lives and existences that others are living. And I find this to be a particularly concerning thing. While fake realities may have benefits. After all, we exist in them for one reason or another, we start to fractal out these realities, meaning that there’s little cohesion or consistency. Your reality becomes different from mine, and mien different from. yours. I find that this is a large reason as to why we are so politically splintered. When we quite literally can live in alternate realities, we lose sense of the real reality, or the ones that others are living in. So what happens? We ultimately become so far removed that we are no longer as energetically aware or are part of the collective. We start to lose a sense of unity, connection as well as empathy and harmony. It makes it more challenging for us to exist in our own separate worlds and then come back to rejoin the collective. I feel that as time goes on, this is going to be one of the largest struggles that we will face as a collective. Not necessarily in a sense that there will be so many fake realities that it will become overwhelming to manage, but the most popular fake realities will become stronger and more influential. And then we will have a battle of fake realities from multiple corners of the universe.
In a way, fake realities have their own sense of power, motive and intention. They are an extension of ourselves, and particularly if you are feeling weak and vulnerable, they provide assertiveness and structure. They are a security arm for you. But at the end of the day, they are ultimately fake. Yes, they can foster real connections, but if you’re not doing the work outside of these false realities, they will crumble under any sense of target, attack or negative involvement. I suppose the answer is more of a “grass roots” and physical approach. One which has conscious connection which you can feel. One that is intertwined with others, as well as the earth. One that has energy or energies which are more challenging to manipulate. Something which is so in alignment with you that it will not falter or fade under pressure.
There’s only “evil” where we spread it. There are no tools which are inherently evil. But there are tools that can easily get out of hand. Since alternate realities are so new, it’s been a quick learning curve for all of us. We often times joke about the multiverse, but we’re living within multiple multiverses within our own physical reality. It’s wild. We must understand and resonate with the concept of alternate realities from a metaphysical perspective. Become aware of what they’re doing to us, or what they provide for us, good and bad. If we feel at any point that we are becoming distracted, confused, anxious or pulled away from society, we need to be personally responsible for rerouting us onto a different path. I suspect that over time we will become better at discernment. Hopefully only positive leaning alternate realities will exist. And we will use them to better shape our future. But in a deeper, darker world, we will use fake realities to house and store all of our negativity and trauma. We will use it as leverage, blackmail, or intimidation. And we will isolate the rest of the world and demand that they bend to our will. It’s up to us to decide what kind of a future we want for ourselves.