166. The “Perfect” Spiritual Diet
It’s interesting because as I start to write this, I feel that a “diet” is not just food. Of course, we consider a diet to just be things that we consume, but I think that “diet” is a bit more pervasive. Really anything that we are “ingesting”, whether that’s mental, emotional or spiritual. So is there a “perfect” diet out there?
Perfect is hard to explain, as it’s incredibly unique to each and every person. so I want to be clear that although I am saying this is the “perfect” diet, it’s more so a high level concept.
It’s interesting because I remember hearing that we typically cycle through very similar foods, if not the same 10-15 foods all the time. And it makes sense. We as people have preferences. On top of that, I feel that there are certain foods which give us more power, comfort and stamina than others. And this likely explains why we like certain things. As a rule of thumb, I do feel that we typically fuel ourselves with what we like because it is good for us… to some degree. However, the other side of this conversation is that it’s good for us simply because it’s sustaining us at our current moment. But perhaps we don’t want to just sustain, we want to change, evolve and thrive. This is where the “perfect” spiritual diet comes in.
A spiritual diet, in my opinion, consists of lots of different things. We are essentially taking in all that the earth and others has to offer. To some degree, this may not jive well with us. Perhaps we have allergies or sensitivities, or our energy is just mismatched with certain food. It’s bound to happen once in a while. But let’s consider that “one of everything” isn’t quite right, and it’s more simply, “variety”.
So what does variety allow us to have on a spiritual level? First of all, it allows us to go through a trial and error period. Although you may think you dislike certain foods, perhaps you had negative experiences with it in the past. On top of that, perhaps your body is evolving and changing, and you’re interested in new things. As mentioned, whatever you’re “interested” in, is likely a good compass of what’s right for you.
Let’s talk about energy as it exists in this point and place in time, though. There are so many different types of energies and fractals of energies. And we exist in a pretty limited capacity inn comparison to the rest of the world. Of course to some degree we have “access” to this energy, but we’re not really living it out. when we ingest foods, we sort of take on their power. So although we can gain extensive power from repetitive foods that we eat, we can also gain lot s of little types of powers from different varieties of foods. It’s sort of the “jack of all trades” energetic concept. So what is important about this. As we continue to move through life, we’re required to change and adapt. We want to ensure that what we “are” (as it’s what we eat) is changeable and adaptable. It’s sort of like we are creating ourselves from every inch of the earth, rather than just a small portion. We will likely better be able to combat energies in the future, if we sustain ourselves with enough variety in the now. If our DNA becomes incredibly pervasive, combining multiple different types of strengths and energies, we can become better at discerning and potentially resisting negative energies in the future. We can see this play out in vitamins, for example. The more variety that we have in our diet, the more vitamins and nutrients we have. And all of these “levels” of ourselves help to ward off disease and illness. When we become so silo’d into certain types of foods we’re really lacking all of this extra energetic abundance that we could be taking in. Now of course, some foods have lots of different nutrients, so if you’re sort of stressed with the idea of variety for one reason or another, really go for foods which have lots of different vitamins, minerals and properties to do this work for you.
The more exposure that you have to different types of energies, the more aware you are, the more "energetic knowledge that you have, and the better you may be moving forward to accept and release energy, which is the natural movement and progression in life. You may also be better equipped to “handle” new energetic situations, because you’ve already ingested them, before! I know it sounds kind fo wacky, but if we’re talking about metaphysics, it’s true. Imagine that you exist entirely on a diet of one certain food. If you decide to go to another country, you may be totally bamboozled with a new diet, and it will likely not sit very well with you. Although now in the modern age, we have ways of getting around this, it’s not something we should take for granted. And on top of that, it’s sort of conceptual. Even though we may not physically be traveling, perhaps we want to expand ourselves mentally and emotionally. We need to ensure that we’re receiving lots of different types of energies and impressions to gear ourselves up for our next challenge.
If this is still a challenging concept, think of it like this. Say for example, energy is broken down into 50 or so “major” energy fractals in this lifetime. These are all overarching concepts and themes that many physical things “possess”. Physical things which retain consciousness or are “alive”. If you’re only eating, say, 2 of these energies and you decide to move on to eating all 50 of these energies, you’ll be totally overwhelmed. You will have no idea what they are about and if your body can handle them. You want to ideally ensure that you’re “prepped” at all times. One may think that one singular silly food can’t “prep” you energetically, but to a degree, we kind fo know this isn’t true. Again, ti delivers nutrients to our body which are integral for how we feel, move and operate. Food is fuel and power, and has energetic resonance and importance.