167. Everything You Can Imagine Is Real
I believe that this is a Pablo Picasso quote. But you know… he’s right.
I think that when people hear this phrase they immediately panic. After all, you can imagine literally anything. But this doesn’t mean that it will necessarily happen or come true in your lifetime. Bu it also doesn’t mean that it’s not real, either.
Let’s think of it this way. We only have a very limited amount of time on this earth. While this may be irrelevant for someone who truly doesn’t believe that our energies exist after we die, the fact of the matter is, our infinite existence will not just be on earth. That means, we will not just exist in a physical reality. Much of our “experiences” from here on out will be in some type of an energetic realm. Some of course may resemble this reality, but others will not. In realities where there isn’t a physical existence, you can be anywhere at any time. You can also create anything without boundaries or borders. Whatever you’d like to manifest, you can. Immediately, spontaneously. And because you created it, it’s real.
Let’s say you’re still not on board. Our thoughts, feeling sand emotions do affect us. You would never be able to tell someone to simply feel happy or stop feeling sad. To be honest, we have such lack of governance over our emotions, to the point that many of us suffer from mental illness. We also know that our mental state has a strong affect on our physical state as well. To us, the value of life is wrapped up in our feelings and emotions. So how can we say that these things just aren’t real, since they aren’t tangible. They are the driving force behind ourselves. Our perception values, our mental states, our identities. The most cherished memories that we have. Things that are of value, often times do not take a physical form. Perhaps they are wrapped in a physical form, like when it comes to humans, but anything which retains consciousness is truly what we should be putting our energy towards.
So what’s the point? Why does it matter that thoughts, feelings and emotions are real? Consider the power in this. This is really the first stage in intention setting and manifestation. If our imagination isn’t real, it wouldn’t aid as much as it does to creating a new existence and reality. And regardless, our physical realities are executed by our wants and desires. All things which “aren’t” real. I think we’ve come to a point and a place where we take advantage of these abstract energies. We fail to see how they coexist or interact with our physical reality. But the fact of the matter is, consciousness is truly all that matters. if our consciousness didn’t exist, we would live in a shell of a reality. It would just be empty houses and buildings. Even nature, as a conscious entity, would cease to exist. And I suppose really anything would cease to exist.
If we are to push our reality forward, we must be hyper aware of our mental and emotional states. Otherwise we will begin to destroy our reality. We already do, when it comes to the earth. But again, we have the power to change it. If we put more leverage and emphasis on our thoughts, feelings and emotions, we will have a better understanding, and to be honest, better control over our physical surroundings. Your thoughts are your own, and they can be brilliant. While you may feel as though you have a lack of control in your physical space, your thoughts can never be controlled. They are all yours. And yes, sometimes we suffer from negative thoughts and whatnot, but the power to intention set a better life is all you. And again, nothing which can be taken away, unless you let it.