169. What Are Fractals?


I can’t imagine a word I use more than “energy” than “fractals”.

Fractals are an actual term, and interestingly enough, I watched a Youtube video on fractals, so I am now super informed! Fractals is a mathematical/scientific/technical term for codes which generate off of themselves. The example used in the video was for video games. How there’s not enough storage (or time) to create every single aspect of a tree, so code generates “fractals”, or in other words, code which replicates part or all of the graphic in order to create “more”. This was also mentioned for graphics which have hard edges. Fractals are able to add more information and depth to shapes, so they feel more rounded. What I liked about the tree metaphor was the explanation that parts ladder up to a whole. So when you take a branch fro ma tree, it actually looks like a tree. It got me all thinking about how many things in our physical reality mirror or “fractal” from larger things. Kind fo like how our eyes mirror the patterns and visuals in the universe. And we see multiple different patterns throughout nature all the time. Also interestingly, fractals can explain different shapes which really have no length. For example, a coastline would be a fractal since it’s not an even shape or dimension.

While I find that metaphysical fractals (which is what we’re talking about here) are a bit different, in some ways they are similar. I wouldn’t say that fractals have an issue with a delineated shape, although it is energy, so theoretically, it has no shape (so… kind of makes sense, I guess). But fractals are “splits” fo larger and greater energies or energetic concepts. I would say that fractals do exist in a “physical” form, and aren’t just a concept, but of course this is only in the way that energy can be read. I find that fractals are kind of like mitosis. Or when we reproduce to  have babies. However, fractals are “more” than their counterparts. So if there’s one pieces of energy and it splits , it would split into two or more “fractals”.

So how or why do we know that fractals exist? All energy must come from “something”, which I typically indicate as “source” energy. To me, it looks like a giant ball, or kind of like an egg. From there, it splits through intention to multiple other pieces. It is true that energy often times resembles a circle or something similar to me. And timelines indicate straight lines. I’m not entirely sure why. But I suppose it’s just their nature. Essentially, the existence of individual parts or aspects of consciousness (such as us as humans) are proof of fractals. We exist as “singular” energies, or at least to our observation, therefore there must be different parts or aspects of energy. And they come from somewhere.

So what is the point of understanding fractals? as we move through denser realities, we have more fractals. And as we go “up” into less dense realities, there are less fractals. Conceptually, when we have more individuality and autonomy over ourselves, we are much more “split” from the collective. But as we ascend upwards, we become much more integrated and aligned with the rest of energy sources. We essentially become “one” with anything and everything. Our physical being really holds us back from that type of radical integration. Although we certainly are “connected”, think about how disconnected we are from all energies outside of this realm of existence. For the most part, we are not consciously aware of it.

One of the most important things to understand about fractals is that we do come from a source. But it’s more interesting than that. If we consider that not only all energies, but different types of energies all ladder up, that means that there’s theoretically a “web” of energies. So the energy that you are, or the energies that you’re working with all start to become more and more “similar” through this flow chart. So every type of physical manifestation of energy is “categorized” under different types of umbrellas. Wile it’s true that they become less and less relevant as they go up, as it becomes less meaningful to us in a physical space, we can start to understand overarching concepts and themes, and how it applies to us. So say for example you’re having issues with one area of your life. Changes are, you are struggling with something that falls under an overarching concept and theme. While it may sound irrelevant and simply a categorization, you can find and understand deeper meaning into this problem, and sort of circumnavigate the solution through different paths and avenues. You have much more context for the particular issue. It also sort of pulls the curtain back behind what this theme is that we’re struggling with. We can even, as a result, figure out the overarching theme and start to understand how it’s playing out in other areas of our lives. Perhaps due to our limited perception values, we didn’t initially understand it was causing problems, or that they were all related. It allows us to not only have more clarity, but start to simplify problems in our life overall. Often times the best solution for our problem is not just facing it head on. It’s by solving the root cause, and not just the symptom.

Although I’m not always a fan of intellectualizing everything, the idea of overarching concepts and themes has totally transformed my life, personally. And I would imagine it could do the same for others, as well.

Understanding more about fractals is understanding more about not only origin, but where our energy is going in the future, and after we pass as well. It fills in the gaps and allows us to have heightened intuition in terms of our energetic bodies, whether that be good or bad. In a world with so many fractals, it can only be helpful.

The most fascinating part of this concept is how and why things fractal. Of course it’s intention, but let’s talk about whether it’s good or bad. Theoretically, the more fractals there are, the “worse” it is for our holistic energetic system. Of course it can build it stronger and be more expansive and pervasive, but consider the idea that being more “whole” means less fractals. Does this mean that the more fractaled we are, the farther we are from source energy, or essentially “god”? Does this mean the more fractaled we are, the less connected to consciousness we are? It’s possible.

I could truly go on and on about fractals, but I think I’ve hit the main points. To sum up, fractals are just splits of energy. It can be 2, or many, many more. They come from “source” energy, and however you perceive it. In denser realities, we have loads of fractals, as we are farther from “source”. We can go up the ladder and down the ladder in terms of reading and understanding fractals, as well. And there is theoretically, a relatively clear organizational path.

While fractals themselves may not be entirely relevant for the everyday person, I would say that more of the interest comes from overarching concepts and themes. Do you notice any patterns in your life? be sure to write them down. Not just in the present moment, but remembering them over time, as well as your wants and desires for the future. What jumps out at you? What feels repetitive/ Consider that themes are often times a swinging door, and we tend to excel as well as struggle with them. It could provide some much needed insight and input into your life.


170. New Age Pitfalls & Traps


168. Love & Light Only?