171. Why Do Psychics Provide Different Information?


There’s this kind of odd perception that there’s only one universal “truth” that we can all align to. However the “truth” is, that it’s quite the opposite. Understandably, there’s some collective truth to our reality, right? As a collective we understand that the sky is blue, for example. But within this “truth” there are many different aspects or elements. First of all, there’s a translation barrier. People may not understand the word blue, and therefore may not align to it. Some people are color blind, and therefore the color blue doesn’t exist for them, and simultaneously, every single person perceive color very slightly differently. So what is “truth”, after all?

As I mentioned, I consider collective truth to be “generalized” truth. But what’s interesting about psychic readings is that, although they are based in validation and resonation of the client, they typically address things which are less physical. For example, tapping into a clients’ wants, feelings, desires, subconscious, life goals, mission, purpose, etc. Things which can be validated, but don’t have necessarily a singular answer or one physical, tangible execution. When readers perceive, it’s not like they are judging from a list similar to the 10 commandments. They’re reading energy and perceiving it. Which is often times why there’s so many different results that may be perceived by different readers. On top of that, as we see the world intuitively through our own perception values, we attract certain information over others. We validate certain information over others. We block it, etc. Anything and everything about ourselves is reflected in the way that we read. It’s like assuming that every single person looks at an abstract painting and sees an understands the same thing. It’s just not… “true”.

Now, this isn’t a way to dismiss validity, facts or figures which may come through prominently in psychic readings. It just examines what is important for the client to hear, and what is valuable for the reader to perceive, understand and deliver. As a whole, it’s so much more abstract than what’s at face value. The information being presented as well as the quality or resonation completely varies reader to reader and person to person. And again, although there are people whoa re trained to bring through precise information, sharing this information with a potential client could ultimately do more harm than good. Readers often times need to straddle the line between over inundation as well as intentional “withholding”. I say that in quotes because as a reader, I don’t deceptively withhold, I simply am only looking for other types of information intentionally. There’s also a fine line between an air of mystery which allows for mixed interpretations, as well as “facts and figures’. And on top of that, a sense of extreme validation, as well as pulling things from a client’s subconscious which they may not be so readily aware of. A psychic reading would have little to no value if it was simply regurgitating facts. i’s about using the “facts”, or in other words, the clients’ energy source as a jumping off point, and filling in the rest with what would be valuable for them from a higher level perspective.

So as you can see, the differentiation between the perception value of readers, and the combination of what is “right” to tell a client in a certain reading/the intention comprise of eve more potential scenarios for the execution of a reading.

There’s just not really a thing as 100% determined and finalized truth from the universe. Even when you think you know something fully, and yo understand it fundamentally, you start to realize that you negate any and all context, information and fractals which exist beyond a physical dimension and reality. Even something that you know and understand to be 100% true can be shaken or rocked. There’s just so much that we don’t know, that it’s impossible to be the “truth” police. Resonation however, is a different brand. Resonation is just an authentic connection trough feeling. And I feel that this is what we should be looking for as readers when interacting with our clients. There’s so much emphasis on “truth” and hardly any on “resonation”. But what’s the point of higher level advice without resonation, again?

There’s so much nuance to the universe, to life. beyond this realm and every piece and fractal of energy, that simply resonating with each other is often times incredible. On top of that, just as we have “soulmates” which match our energy precisely, we often times have reader “soulmates” or resonators. Not to say that only one reader is appropriate for us, but we have a tendency to find readers art certain points in our life. I know myself, I have sifted through several readers over time. Some I feel more in alignment with, and other I don’t. This is a really strong testament that there’s a huge part of reading which is about energetic connection. And I’m not entirely sure why. I think that it’s an inherent vibration or a soul level connection, but there could also be many other aspects coming into play as well. But sometimes, it just takes a moment to find your “match”. I’m sure that many of my clients have had completely different experiences from one another. And I think you become stronger when you recognize this and have a sense of grace about it. You’re not always everyone’s cup of tea. But when you aren’t, you’re typically stronger in alignment for others. Kind of like how you should remain as authentic as you can, because although some people may not like you as you, just as many people will dislike you for being fake, I’d imagine.

If you don’t resonate with a reader, it’s not the end of the world. It’s not that you can’t find one that does, or that you’re immune to receiving psychic information. Yes, it’s true, you may be a bit closed off which could potentially impact your reading, but sometimes people just aren’t a fit. I would strongly recommend going with a reader who feels intuitively right to you. You can do this by looking at pictures of them, visiting their website, or even reading reviews, etc. Whoever you feel drawn to is likely right for you!


172. People Want To Hear Things From Your Perception Value


170. New Age Pitfalls & Traps