172. People Want To Hear Things From Your Perception Value
I had this sort of… realization one day that we are constantly looking for unique perception values when it comes to no to inly news, but also the dissection of any and all things. Why are we so uninterested with what I would perceive to be “flat’ information, or in other words, facts, figures or even distilled down pinions in a news article. Yes it’s true that some things are “flashier” when paired with graphics, sounds/music, voiceover, etc., but there’s a humanistic quality when it’s being told by a particular source. In fat, we tend to seek out these reputable sources who put their own “spin” on things, or tell things from their own point of view. But why?
There’s value in a unique perception value. Have you ever considered that you wanted to hear a particular story told from someone’s point of view. We as human beings provide value onto what may seem like the most obvious, straight up or “factual” information. What could this particular person add to the story? Is it their sense of humor? Their personal experiences? Maybe it’s simply the fact that we “like” them, or their relatability. Whatever it is, we tend to seek out people more than pages when it comes to telling us what we want or need to hear.
So what’s the point, really? We often times devalue people personally (in my opinion). It is true that in the past, people as human beings were regarded for their skills. Perhaps it was acting, or perhaps it was being a newscaster. And although it’s safe to say that peoples’ authenticity certainly added to the experience, they were generally professionals. Now quite literally anybody and everybody who has the ability to share on screen can become not only a public figure, but one more popular than our everyday celebrities. There’s a new sense of value for people just being… themselves. If you think about it, that hasn’t really happened before. THere’s always a production, a skill or an “ability”. And this isn’t to say that for example, social media influencers don’t have “ability” or hard work, but it’s certainly different from our previous perception of people who were well known or famous. It’s a whole different world, and kind of one which I think is particularly fascinating.
Some may argue that this leaves the door open for anyone and everyone to become famous for something meaningless and silly. Although that may be technically true, my argument is the value of relatability. In an increasingly distant world (and partially against our wishes due to COVID), we’re consistently looking for ways to connect to others. Now with the internet we have this overwhelming sense fo connection where people are truly sharing their deepest darkest secrets. How strange. But we are truly celebrating people for being themselves. As a negative to this, people are now being criticized for being themselves, which is something very difficult to take on and handle. But I will say that this change in fame has definitely piqued my interest. Does this mean that as a collective we are theoretically moving toward more of an authentic representation in media? Or does it mean something worse? Does this mean that quite literally anybody has the opportunity to “make it big”? Maybe. It will be interesting to see how this conceptually plays out over time.
Point being, don’t devalue yourself for all of these things. Just because you don’t have a “special skill” to your knowledge, doesn’t mean that you don’t. Consider what not only interests you but what you’re good at. Know that you can always crowd source this information as well. I do like the idea that you don’t need to be a “star” in order to gain attention, attraction and followers. It’s certainly a job in itself to create content and maintain engagement, etc., so I think that it really just takes a powerhouse with an intention to do it.
I do worry that perhaps the emphasize on authenticity may take a toll on those who aren’t getting recognition for their authenticity. They may ask themselves what’s wrong with them? I hope that others don’t see this as a negative, or that there’s a deficit in their personality. I think it simply comes down to everyone’s own, unique and authentic mission and goals in this life. But hey, you are the manifestor of your own destiny. If you want it, you can have it. Start that intention setting.