177. Protection “Spells” Or Intentions


It’s not uncommon to hear about spells, particularly “protection” spells. Or even protection intentions.

While I do often times hear more about manifestation rituals, or things involving other people, you can certainly set intentions to take care of and protect yourself.

There are however, two sides to this coin. Imagine that you’re perpetually playing energetic defense. It’s almost like you’re sitting in this boundary-oriented cave. You could hypothetically push out the bad, but also the good. In some ways, potentially “negative” things which happen to us are for a reason, and help build our energetic resilience, as well as allow us to flow through learning lessons and themes. So on one hand, I could see how this could potentially be a detriment.

I don’t really see the problem in “protection” spells as a whole, though. But you can certainly be more precise with your language and wording to ensure that you aren’t overriding the universe. It’s important to align intuitively to what we feel is best, but also allow ourselves to surrender to the whims of the universe. I think that reasonably, it’s a push and pull.

So what’s my go-to protection spell?

“Asking for an order of protection in and around ___”

In my mind, I’m aware of what an order of protection is. And I think it’s up to each and every person to determine what theirs is. For the most part, I don’t want these things to be “meddled” with by other people. I want their energetic resonance to be self-sustaining and pure. Is it the job of the universe to protect things for me? Depends. Perhaps it is if I ask. After all, asking for helps is one of the best things that you can do in order to achieve what you want in this lifetime. Again, it’s really a push and pull. Consider what you authentically wish and want to happen, versus considering out of fear what may happen. Does this intuition lead you to believe that there are more steps that you can take to protect yourself and the things and people around you? Leaning into this responsibility or insight can help make this intention even stronger.

Protection is kind of a funny thing, you know? I think that often times we are so incredibly sure that we know what’s best to protect ourselves, and what others need to do to protect themselves. But we are also so incredibly different from one another. Sometimes when we go to protect others, we end up unintentionally disadvantaging them. We are simply limiting them from experience life in a way that will better armor them to be protected in the future. So we want to ensure that we are protecting in a way that’s supporting rather than inhibiting.


178. Spirit Guides Don’t Care What You Do


176. Our Attraction To Historical Royalty