178. Spirit Guides Don’t Care What You Do


Perhaps a little bit clickbait-y, but it’s all good.

I’m sure at this point you’re familiar with the concept of spirit guides, but just to refresh, spirit guides are a handful fo entities on the other side which are essentially guiding you here throughout this lifetime. It’s their job to help, assist and communicate to you through their subconscious. While they aren’t the only people who “watch” over our lives, it’s essentially their only profession/duty. Spirit guides can really be anyone or anything, ranging from animals to human, to non-human like. However they are out of a place of love, concern and aptitude.

So what’s with the title?

There’s a fine line between having stake in your life and guiding you, versus actually running your life for you. Think of it like a parent. Theoretically, parents should support their children for who they authentically and truly are. They should of course teach and guide them and communicate with them, but not virtually run their lives. While of course spirit guides don’t want us to do anything permanently damaging to us, they acknowledge the trials and tribulations of being a physical person. I think in some ways, they may even be more lax than a parent would in this lifetime. Parents are often times over expending themselves to protect their children, but spirit guides know and understand fundamentally that it is up to us to make our way through the world and ask out for help. I suppose this is the case because we do have physical parents to guide us here in this world.

For the most part, I get spirit guides’ intervention to be limited, and really only showing up when we are in grave danger or truly “messing” ourselves up. Essentially, going down a path that isn’t good for us, or may have an irreparable return. Spirit guides are primarily concerned with the “high level” and not day to day activities. In fact, you may find it challenging to get their advice in these ways. As, they do not wish to override our free will. They just want to make sure that as a whole, our decisions are laddering up to our overall health, wellness and happiness. And in particular, ensuring that our decisions are aligning to our short-term and long-term goals, as well as our mission and purpose in this lifetime. Sometimes this can be a bit nuanced, as we are often asked to overcome energetic and karmic issues which may be slightly separate from our “mission”, such as ongoings with ourselves and personal relationships.

I do believe that part of this is the desire for spirit guides to allow us to access our own intuition and alignment to prop ourselves up, as well as the disinterest in being a puppet for us here in the physical world. Reason being is that there are so many options and choices for us to fulfill our purpose, that the interjection would just be needless or senseless. We are also ever-changing through circumstances and situations. Since free will does exist, it can be really challenging or difficult for them to provide this insight day to day.

Depending on your relationship with the concept of control, this can either be difficult or illuminating. However, it’s nice that a balance of push and pull can be struck between you and your spirit guides. Also ultimately, you’re in control. If you feel you need more or less guidance and advice, you’re welcome to ask. However, I’ve yet to meet anyone who wants less spirit guide advice (lol).

Trust yourself and your decisions moving forward. Develop a strong relationship to your guides as well as “calling cards”, or in other words, indications that they are around.


179. A Higher Level Look At Dynamics Surrounding Abortion


177. Protection “Spells” Or Intentions