18. Automatic Writing


One of the very first things I learned to do while opening my intuition was automatic writing. Although it’s primarily geared toward beginner intuitives, writing out my dreams, goals and desires is actually quite helpful in terms of putting pen to paper and physicalizing these thoughts, feelings and emotions. This direct “channel“ so to speak (similar to Tarot cards, etc.) can be helpful to remove our conscious mind from processing energy. Even the most seasoned intuitive can get caught up in their own thinking sometimes.

So why is it called “automatic” writing? This is used to describe “not thinking” or “automatically” writing. It essentially means that your hand is moving faster than your thought pattern. It makes sense, as intuition is faster than our thought pattern, anyway. It can be quite challenging to do this if you haven’t practiced, so certainly don’t give up if you can’t get it the first time. Often times we overthink and pressure ourselves to say the right thing, or adversely, become too afraid of hearing the “truth”. It’s important to remember that you are channeling this information, and therefore already subconsciously have all of this knowledge. Although it may be “new” to your conscious mind, it’s always still accessible and shouldn’t be seen as “scary”. Continuing to develop your intuition will help bridge a divide between your subconscious self and your conscious self.

In terms of point and place in time, it’s helpful to be more relaxed, and even in a partially meditative state. You may want to try first thing in the morning, or before you go to bed at night. I like to keep a journal specifically with manifestations and channeled information to keep it consolidated. Another tip is dating your entries, as I often like to look back at them.

So how to get “in the zone” so to speak? It can be challenging. Often times I like to pick and object and “stare through it” so to speak. I completely relax all of the muscles in my body. As I stare at the item, I’m not consciously aware of what it is. My body is just still. Although my eyes are working, I’m not proactively observing and processing what it is I’m looking at. Often times this can be challenging for people who want to maintain a consistent and constant level of control. However, you’ll need to let go of your control with your conscious self in order for this to work. Some additional tips are shaking out your hands or tapping them on a counter. It works best if you are not putting so much pressure and fixation on your hand and wrist.

In terms of content and question(s), I like to go with something related to a particular topic in my life, so that I’m narrowed into a particular energy source or timeline. Often times people want to know about love, job/career, major life events, etc. You’ll want to keep it reasonably precise but simultaneously open-minded. For example, you may want to ask, “Will I get married in the next 5 years?” vs. “Will I get married in 1 year?”. Since we are the masters of our own destiny, it can be challenging to “know” for certain when events take place. The universe and timelines are always shifting and moving. If you are nervous about the outcome of the question, it’s likely that the answer may be hidden from you, or you may hide it from yourself. The intention for your incarnation is clarity, but not self-sabotage. Anything which will strike fear in you will likely be untrue or mislead you. Consider ways to slowly wade into more challenging questions.

Remember that automatic writing, amongst other intuitive tools should be used with your best intuition and judgment.


19. We Have Healing Conceptually Wrong


17. Skeptics, Mediums & “Talking To The Dead”